Chapter 20

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Jimin was in Taemin's apartment. He was watching a series that stopped entertaining him after a while. With a sigh, he reached for the remote control and turned off the TV. He wrapped more of the blanket around his body and looked around the room. He would have lived here already if the wedding with Taemin had gone well. A luxury he cannot afford.

He noticed Taemin's office door open. He put the blanket aside and stood up from the couch, walking straight to the office door. As he was about to close them, he began to have a strange feeling of curiosity and an urge to look into that office.

After all, no one else was in the apartment with him, so he didn't even have to muster up the courage to enter it.

He closed the door and looked around. He walked over to the office desk, which had several things on it. Some things he didn't even know what they were for.

Taemin's computer monitor was turned off, papers were scattered on the table, and a few unorganized things. Apparently, Taemin doesn't know how to organize himself while working.

He opened one of the drawers where several documents were stored. He knew that his fiance owned a business with his father, but did he need so many court documents?

He frowned as he noticed a bookmark with the name Jeon among the stored documents.

He immediately pulled out the bookmark from among the other documents and started flipping through it curiously to see what was in it. He was horrified to find everything there. There were several trial reports and fake documents to be used against the Jeon family. He also found a small USB key in the drawer where the documents were. He turned on the computer monitor and inserted the USB stick. A tab named Jeon popped up on the computer screen. He clicked twice and then Jimin was more horrified. There were pictures of him kissing Jungkook. That's when he remembered the moment when the hitman tried to kill Jungkook.

Jimin started to feel that something bad was happening. He was startled when the cell phone that Taemin lent him vibrated in his pocket.

"Yes?" Jimin picked up the call from Taemin and tried to keep his voice calm.

"What you're doing?"

"Umm.. I was going to prepare something, I'm quite hungry." Jimin lied.

Jungkook listened to the call. He was quite glad that Jimin was alright, but he also felt a so-called heart break. Why did Jimin decide to leave with Taemin without letting him know? How could he think Jimin would love him back?

"Okay. I just wanted to make sure you were okay." Taemin faked a smile and also used a fake caring tone of voice. Jungkook made a disgusting grimace at that.

"I know how clumsy you can be." Taemin added.

"No don't worry about that, I'm fine." Jimin's soft and sweet laugh rang out from the cell phone. Jungkook's heart jumped in his chest at that. He really missed the gentle and angelic voice of Jimin.

"Okay. If you need anything, don't forget to call me okay. For now, take care honey."

Taemin put down his cell phone, which he then put back into his pants pocket. He looked at the bound Jungkook and smiled mischievously.

"So you see, he's fine." He chuckled and added. "Without you."

Jungkook was silent, his gaze lowered. He didn't understand how Jimin could choose Taemin. Taemin is a fake bastard!

Taemin smiled mischievously and squatted in front of Jungkook to look him in the face.

"Did you really think he would like you?" He laughed mockingly. "How pathetic you are Jeon.

Jungkook laughed, Taemin frowned at him.

"That's why he told me I am better in bed than you"

"You fucking bastard.."


Jimin was still shocked by what he found out. He returned from Taemin's office and immediately dialed Taehyung's number. He bit his lip nervously and paced up and down the room. He waited for Taehyung to pick up the call. After a while, Taehyung's voice was heard, which was neutral.


"Tae, it's me, Jimin."

"Jimin?!" His neutral voice suddenly changed when he recognized the person behind the call. "Where on earth are you? Are you okay?!"

"Yeah, I am. I'm at Taemin's -"

"You're with Taemin?! He's holding you? He didn't hurt you?"

"No. He didn't hurt me in any way."

"God.." Taehyung breathed out. "You know how we were all worried about you? Especially Jungkook. He's on his way to see you!"

Jimin blinked in surprise.

"What? He's following me?"

"Yes. Taemin texted him that he's holding you. And that he should meet him somewhere."

Jimin's eyes widened in horror.

"In what place?!"

Kidnapping of the bride [ jj.k × pj.m ] ✅ COMPLETED STORYWhere stories live. Discover now