Chapter 48

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"We have made a date for the wedding

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"We have made a date for the wedding." I tell Mark as we sit playing with Sofia in the day-care within the hospital. "Seriously?" Mark asks looking over at me in surprise "that's great." I start grinning like an idiot. We both stand up "yeah, Alex and I leave in a couple of hours to catch a flight. Tell my parents."

As we leave the day-care I put on some hand sanitiser and rub my hands together. "Do you think your parents are gonna be ok with it?" He asks as he opens a door for me. I shrug, pressing the elevator button "I don't see why not." I admit "they all adore Karev, especially my dad. God those two get on like a house on fire." Mark laughs as we step into the elevator.

"Are you sure they met the right Karev?" Mark questions and I snort, jabbing him in the ribs.


I am sitting with Derek and Owen in one of the board room when Mark comes barging through the open door. "Homemade maple-ginger scones." He says holding up a Tupperware box. We all instantly decline making up excuses quickly "the scone's a very tough pastry to make." Mark says ignoring us "you have to be exact with the ingredients, the baking temperature..."

Derek and I share an amused look and I ask "hey, how is the house coming?"and Derek, completely ignoring our friend answers "we're working on the dry wall now." Owen raises his eyebrows in surprise "really?"

Mark narrows his eyes at us "alright. I get it. I'm a bore." He says after we fall back into silence "but Avery's doing all my surgeries, and I'm taking up cooking to keep my mind sharp for when the next big case rolls in." I chuckle and lean back in my chair.

"Yeah, you keep telling yourself that." Shepherd muses. Just then a nurse appears in the doorway "Dr Shepherd?" She calls and Derek perks up slightly although still slumping in his chair "yes." He answers smoothly. "Dr Grey is looking for you." The nurse tell him "she says it's important."

Derek frowns "my wife?" He asks and the nurse shakes her head, "nope." He stands up and walks towards the door. "Lexie." He mutters more like a curse than a conformation.

Mark leans over between me and Owen "try a scone." He says almost threateningly "you know you want to." Owen takes one gingerly but I shake my head. Still declining. "Have to keep this body for my wedding." I say gesturing to myself "and from the smell of it you put way too much sugar in those scones." This makes the plastic surgeon pout.


"You ready to go?" I ask Alex as he appears in the doorway of the attending's lounge. "I can't leave yet." He says and I spin around from where I am putting earrings on "what?" I ask.

He scratches the back of his neck awkwardly "I have six bad outcomes for my boards." He explains "if I get ten I am not allowed back into surgery. I am doing an open heart surgery on a guy in a few hours and if I don't even turn up that'll be a bad outcome."

I sigh and rub my forehead gently "fine, I'll push the flight for a red eye,m. How does that sound?" He nods coming over and pecking me on the cheek "your the best fiancé ever." I roll my ryes and push him away gently "I know." We both laugh and his pager goes off.

"Shit, I gotta go." He kisses me before racing from the room "I love you." I smile gently and call back "I love you too."


The red eye was cancelled as well, we are going as soon as Alex's patient is ok. God knows when that is going to be. I can't be mad at him for it either, I was the same in my last year of residency, pushing for good outcomes where ever I could.

"I made dinner for you." Alex says as soon as I enter our house, the smell of roasted potatoes filling my nose. I breathe in the scent as I take my jacket off and throw my keys on the side "it smells amazing baby." I commend as I make my way into the kitchen.

When I reach the room however I freeze in my tracks, my mum and dad as well as my sisters and their partners and my little niece are standing and chatting with one another and Alex. "Oh, uh surprise." Alex says appearing, oven mittens on carrying a steaming tray. A smile breaks out on my face and I rush towards my family.

"What are you guys doing here?" I ask embracing my mum and then my father. Mum chuckles from where she has taken a step back "Alex flew us out since he didn't know when you would both be able to fly out to us." She explains and I catch his eye, already watching me with fondness. 

After embracing my sisters, my fiancée clears his throat "dinner is served." We all move in to the dining area. Lucky I had surgery today so that my ring is on a chain around my neck rather than on my finger, my mum would have noticed it straight away and berated me about not telling her things. Alex settles down next to me once all of the food is on the table "you did good." I whisper and he smiles back at me. He picks up his cutlery and leans towards me "lets hope your mum approves of my cooking." I laugh gently.

It is a well known fact that my mum is a snob when it comes to food, apparently she has a 'refined' taste palette but I just think she is fussy. We all tuck into our food silent for a second and my mum hums in approval "this is very good Alex." She praises "I like what you did with the potatoes." We share a surprised look with one another before Alex swallows his food and flashes a grateful look "thank you ma'am."

Dad picks up his beer and asks "so Alex, what's happening with you know? Are you an attending?" Alex shakes his head pushing the food around on his plate for a moment "no I'm in my final year of residency." Both mum and dad make a noise at that. Mum places an affectionate hand on my fathers arm "fifth year is very important." She says as they gaze at each other "a lot of important decisions are made then."

Alex wipes his mouth gingerly giving me a questioning look, I subtly nod and he clears his throat "uh, about that." My parents resume their meal "we have already made a decision and I know I went about this is a strange way but we are getting married." Ronnie almost chokes on her food, she slaps her chest a couple of times "what?" She asks. 

I bring out my ring and my mum mutters something in Spanish "that looks beautiful little bug." Mum says praisingly, admiring the jewel on it. Dad leans forward "is this something you want?" He asks me seriously, the last time I got married flashing between both of us for a second. I glance over at Alex, clutching his hand under the table "yes papa it is." Alex is shaking slightly and I can't tell whether its from nerves or the looks he is currently receiving from my family. 

Finally my dad falls back in his chair and raises his beer "then let your marriage be a long and happy one." Everyone raises their glasses while Alex and I kiss. This night is truly perfect.

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