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3 months later


So far, the tour has been going well. We're on our 3 week break in Atlanta, and Rihanna was already here and on board preparing to take my place since I'd be leaving next month...or maybe even sooner.

Her and Aubrey have been really close lately, and everybody has noticed it. I was tired of it and just wanted to be back home with my family with no worries.

A few weeks ago on tour

I had just gotten off stage and I was smiling from ear to ear but my smile dropped when I saw Aubrey and Rihanna holding hands smiling in each other's faces. After every show I would be greater by Aubrey with a hug and kiss but I could tell tonight, that wouldn't be happening. Luckily Koi wasn't here because she would've went off and caused a whole scene. I shook my head and made my way to the dressing room, while everyone gave me apologetic and reassuring glances that everything would be fine.

"I'll talk to Drake, don't even worry about it." Future told me patting my shoulder.

"It's whatever at this point, I'm over it." I replied sighing and opening the door to my dressing room.

I'm already 6 months pregnant, and I don't even look pregnant at all but it was killing me. My breathing control with singing was way harder than normal, but I still managed to push through.

I was currently in the hotel room waiting for Aubrey to get back. It's 1am, and he's been gone since 10. I heard the key lock to the door turn and I instantly stood up and crossed my arms. Aubrey stumbled in and looked at me chuckling a bit.

"Why are you standing like that Lani?" He asked sliding his jacket off.

"Aubrey. It's 1am, you've been gone since 10. Where have you been?"

"Chill out I was hanging out with Rih. We were just catching up." I held back the tears that threatened to spill from my eyes.

"Aubrey why can't you understand yall are exes and y'all aren't supposed to be buddy buddy? You know how much I hate that shit yet you continue to do it."

"Mahlani. It's not that deep. I don't want to argue with you tonight." He replied while taking off his clothes, placing on his shorts.

"Oh no we're gonna talk about this shit tonight." I demanded getting closer to him.

"We're just friends, I promise."

"If that's the case how come everybody has noticed how close y'all are getting and how much y'all flirt with each other?" I asked him.

"Y'all are tripping." He replied chuckling and getting under the covers.

"I'm so fucking sick of you. Fuck this tour, I'm going home." I replied to him sniffing. I started to gather my things.

"Yo, you can't be serious...all because I'm rekindling with an old friend?" He asked standing up out of the bed raising his voice coming at me with his fists balled up.

"Oh so what you're gonna hit me now? Just like Kenneth always did? Huh? Go on hit me. " I said to him pushing him. "Come on do it."

His face softened. "No Mahlani I'm not going to hit you." He sighed sitting back on the bed with his head in his hands. Tears started to fall from my eyes even more as I continued to pack up my things.

"I'm done with this relationship." I whispered grabbing my bags and leaving out of the hotel room. I went to Oliver's room a few doors down and continuously knocked. He opened the door with a frown but his face softened when he seen that it was me.

"Mahlani? What's wrong?" He asked worriedly.

"I quit the tour...please drive me to the airport. I already booked a flight back home yesterday. The plane leaves at 4am." He sighed and knew that trying to talk me out of my decision wouldn't work.

"Alright, let's go. Anything else you don't have right now will be brought back after the tour." He said helping me with my bags.

A few hours later

I finally arrived back in Canada. I was happy to finally be back. As soon as I got home I just laid in my bed and cried. I couldn't believe Aubrey didn't care how I felt. He knows what I went through in my past with Ken, yet he acted like my feelings didn't matter at all. I was sick of it all. I didn't even tell Koi I left and she has been blowing up my phone all day. I shot her a quick text explaining everything and then I powered off my phone. I just wanted to be alone right now.

I realized my next appointment was coming up in the next week and Aubrey wouldn't be there. I didn't mind but I knew I'd have to facetime him until he comes back from tour. At this appointment we would be finding out the gender of peanut and I was so excited.

Smiling at the thought, I got up and decided to go to my office/mini studio in my apartment to write some songs.

Hours later

I finally finished a few songs and decided to cook something quick. After cooking and eating, since it was 8:43pm, I decided on sleeping because I had nothing better to do.

Before I went to sleep though, I checked my phone and saw missed messages from my family and from Koi.

None from Aubrey...

As tears were falling down my face, I turned off the light and turned over crying.

To be continued...

Hi y'all!! It's been a while, and I apologize for that. Still dealing with college and working two jobs🥲but I'll try to update as much as I can!! Letting y'all know now I'm about to speed things up so be prepared! Also chapters are probably gonna be shorter than normal! Don't forget to share, comment, and vote!! (:

Team Boy or Team Girl?👀

Also y'all the dates may be a little off, but I'll eventually go back and fix them whenever I edit this book🫡

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