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Excuse any mistakes...

1 in a half months later


The last month in a half has been crazy for Mahlani and Aubrey. Trying to get everything together for their very late baby shower with close friends and family, Mahlani moving in, putting the nursery together, and fixing their relationship on top of that, them being tired was just an understatement.

Last month, Aubrey had a family dinner with both his and Mahlani's family to explain the whole situation that happened with Robyn and Kenneth. Mahlani's brother was so livid, he wanted to kill the man. And it's so ironic as they were having this dinner, Robyn and Kenneth tried to show up.

The doorbell rang and Mahlani and Aubrey looked at each other confused. They weren't expecting anymore people to show up to the dinner. They both got up going to the door and opened it seeing Robyn and Kenneth.

"What the fuck are you two doing here?" Mahlani asked Robyn with a frown on her face. Aubrey moved Mahlani behind him, she was 8 months pregnant and didn't need to be getting into any kind of altercations. 

"We just came to apologize together and hope we could all be friends?" Robyn said with a sad smile upon her face.

"After you had Mahlani drugged, you want to be "friends"? Nah you can't be serious." Aubrey said shaking his head. Hearing footsteps behind him, he turned to see Mahlani's brother, Milo.

"Whats going on?" He asked. Once he saw Kenneth, all he saw was red. Everything happened so fast. Milo  pushed passed Aubrey and tackled Kenneth. Aubrey had to yell for Chubbs and Q to break up their fight. Kenneth got his assed whooped by Milo so bad, he passed out after they finally got Milo off him.

Although Mahlani felt bad, she couldn't help but laugh a little. She couldn't believe this was actually happening. She decided she would press charges. It was ridiculous they actually showed up on their doorstep trying to negotiate a friendship after everything.

But that was all over now, and it was the day over their baby shower. Mahlani was now 9 months pregnant and she any day now. She was very nervous, but excited to have her baby boy.

Adonis Graham.

Whenever Aubrey told her the name, she instantly fell in love with it. It was perfect and she could not wait to be able to hold him in her arms and be a mom.

Finishing up her hair, she finally made her way downstairs and went to the party room. When she walked in, she smiled and started to greet everyone. She and Aubrey both wanted a small and intimate baby shower. It's way more enjoyable when you're surrounded by people you actually know personally and love.

Walking over to Koi, she smiled and stick her tongue out. "Hey future Mrs. Wilburn." She said hugging and kissing her cheek.

Recently Koi got engaged to DeMun (Future). They hadn't been together for long, but they both knew what they wanted and that was each other. The proposal was amazing and Mahlani was so happy for her best friend.

"Hey Lani." She said laughing. They conversed for a bit, before Mahlani had to go with Aubrey to take pictures, and also take pictures with other family members as well.

After playing a few games, everyone started to eat and Mahlani looked at Aubrey smiling.

"I can't believe we're actually about to be parents. It doesn't feel real." She said rubbing her stomach and smiling.

"I know. I'm so nervous." He said grabbing her hand with a small smile.

"It'll be fine. Hard, but fine. We'll get through it." She responded smiling. He leaned in to kiss her.

After eating, they danced to a few songs, played. a few games and now it was time to open gifts.

"Awww Aubrey, now the baby and Diamond have matching outfits." She said smiling holding up both outfits. Mahlani loved the hell out of the dog Diamond although she had been with Milo and his family for the last few months since everything has been hectic. Everybody cooed and they moved on to the next gift.

After opening all the gifts, Mahlani was so happy. This was just a fever dream to her.

"Hold on there's one more gift." Aubrey said. Mahlani was already standing, so she turned around to where Aubrey was looking and saw a mini White 2015 Mercedes Benz C300, the same car he got her for Christmas. Everyone gasped, but not just because of the mini car.

"Aubrey you didn't! Oh my Gosh how cute." She said staring at it in awe, but she didn't even realize what was going on. Everyone was quiet. With a big smile on her face she turned around, and her mouth dropped.

Aubrey was on one knee in front of her. He opened the box and her eyes welled with tears.

" I love you because you inspire me to be a better person. I remember the first day when we met it was just like yesterday...You went through so much in the past and you didn't deserve that. And the things I did to you recently, you for sure didn't deserve that either. Whenever I'm around you, I always have butterflies, it's like when we first met all over again. I mean who would've known we would end up together from a simple interaction?" He said while everybody laughed.

"Who would've known we would be under the same label and making music together? We haven't been together long but..in my mind it's long enough. Love has no time limit. I knew from the first time I laid my eyes on you, you were the one. I love you so much Mahlani. You're the only one I want and need. You are my motivation, my inspiration, and my aspiration. You've been there for me and I appreciate that so much. I can't lose you again. Mahlani Bertilli, will you marry me?" Aubrey said as tears streamed down Mahlani's face. She shook my head yes.

"YES!" She yelled as he slipped the ring on my finger and he hugged me. They kissed as everybody clapped. "I love you." She mumbled before kissing him again and pulling away. Flashing her ring to everyone, she started dancing a little.

Her and Koi took a few pictures together showing off their rings as Mahlani smiled . Everything was falling into place, and she couldn't be happier. As her and Aubrey were taking a few pictures, she felt something gush and an instant pain.

"Uhh Aubrey...I think my water just broke." She said looking down.

It was finally happening and the nervousness kicked in.

"Oh shit. Okay don't panic. I'll go get the bag, you, Chubbs, and Q head to the car." He said with sonic written all over his face. Mahlani laughed a little as he ran to tell his bodyguards what was going on.

Everyone told them bye and wished her a safe and healthy delivery as Chubbs helped her to the car. Her parents and Koi would be following behind them to the hospital. While waiting on Aubrey to get in the car, she called the Doctor and let her know what was going on, while also timing her contractions.

Aubrey finally got in the car and they were off to the hospital.

"We're about to be parents." She said grabbing has hand.

"Yeah, we are." He said smiling and kissing her forehead.

To be continued....

The last few chapters will be written in an Omniscient point of view! Make sure to vote, share, and comment!🫶🏾

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