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Excuse any mistakes

Later that Day


Perfect. That's the word Mahlani used when she first laid eyes on her son, Adonis. Holding him close, she just smiled. This was a love she never felt before and she was so full of happiness, nothing else mattered.

Aubrey on the other hand was terrified at first to hold Adonis, because he was too small and afraid he would hold him wrong. Him and Mahlani went back and fourth (playfully of course), because Mahlani was trying to convince him everything would be okay. After she convinced him, he finally held his son.

"Just make sure you support his head." She said as she handed him to Aubrey. Looking at him he smiled.

Tears brimmed his eyes because he couldn't believe him and Mahlani created this little human being. Mahlani snapped so many pictures and couldn't wait for her family to see him.

Surprisingly, Adonis took more after Aubrey's side, more specifically his mother. When Adonis came out. he had blonde hair and blue eyes, not to mention he looked just like Aubrey's mother.

After a few minutes of Mahlani and Aubrey admiring their son, Mahlani's parents came in first and snapped a few pictures of the two new parents and their baby. After, they both washed their hands and took turns holding the baby. Mahlani and her mom had an emotional moment, her mother told her how proud she was of her and congratulated her. They hugged for a few minutes crying. It was a beautiful moment.

After Mahlani's parents left and got their pictures with the baby, Aubrey's parents, Milo and his family, Koi DeMun, and even the bodyguards got to see the baby as well. Everyone was so happy for the couple and couldn't wait to see them grow as parents.

A few days later

Mahlani and Aubrey had just made it home from the hospital, and were making their way to the Nursery. Mahlani was exhausted, but Aubrey promised to watch the baby for a couple of nights so she could get the proper rest she needed, especially so she could keep producing milk for the baby. She was terrified of not being healthy enough or getting enough rest in order to provide milk for her baby, but Aubrey assured her everything would be okay.

Walking into the nursery, she smiled at the welcome home balloons and flowers. Turning to Aubrey she kissed his lips and smiled.

"Thank you Aubrey. I appreciate you so much."

"Always." He told her smiling back. After helping him get situated, and teaching him how to use the breast milk or store in the correct order in the mini fridge, she made her way to their room to get some rest. Before falling asleep, she remembered Koi sending her a link to an article about Kenneth.

Kenneth Farrow, arrested for Domestic Violence Charges and Infliction of Bodily Harm.

She was relieved her name wasn't in the headline, and she wants exposed for the one being drugged.

As Mahlani read, she realized they talked about how he was caught putting his hands on Brittany, his current girlfriend. But it was also said in the article, he was bailed out and she and him both packed up and went to the United States.

"Poor girl, I can't believe she stayed with him." Mahlani mumbled to herself. She read on and was surprised Robyn didn't get in caught.

Mahlani tried to sleep but she couldn't. She just wanted to hold her baby, and be with Aubrey. Getting up, she made her way back to the nursery and laid in the mini day bed watching Aubrey interact with Adonis. It was the cutest thing and it warmed her heart so much.

"I think we should just go to a courthouse and get married." Mahlani said softly. "I don't care to have a big wedding, at least not now. Maybe some years from now." She said shrugging. Aubrey looked over at her and smiled.

"I'm fine with that. If that's what you want, we can do it. I'll have Oliver plan it out for us." He said placing Adonis on his shoulder to burp him. Mahlani smiled at the sight. Aubrey was catching on fast.

"You're adjusting to dad life quick I see." She said smiling and snapping some pictures. They both shared a laugh. "I don't wanna ruin this moment..but please give me my baby." She said getting up and grabbing Adonis from Aubrey.

"Oh my baby." She cooed slightly rocking him and kissing him all over his face. She rocked him to sleep and after a few minutes, placed him in his crib. Getting back in the day bed, she gestured for Aubrey to get in the bed with her.

He got in the bed with her, and held her, placing kisses on her neck and she smiled.

"Still can't believe we're parents." He mumbled into her neck.

"I know...he's so beautiful. I can't wait to see him grow." She said as tears started to fall down her face.

"Oh my God Mahlani are you crying?" He asked laughing a little.

"I can't help it." She said laughing with him and wiping her eyes.

"Oh shit I forgot my album is supposed to be dropping next month." She mumbled to herself. The album she was working on a few months ago, was finished but delayed because she had been so busy. Her album talked a lot about what she went through before Aubrey, and when she was with him and that whole situation with Robyn happened. She called the album "Master."

"It's only been a few days, but you're such a great mom

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"It's only been a few days, but you're such a great mom. I love seeing you interact with Adonis and just being motherly. It's so cute on you." He said snapping her out of her thoughts, and kissing her cheek, making her smile.

"Thank you Aubrey." She said turning to face him and burry her face in his chest.

She started to think about life before Aubrey, and after she met him. It was crazy how they just met a few months ago, but she knew he was the one. He helped her out in so many ways, and she was so thankful for him. Not only did he help her, but he gave her a son. Mahlani wouldn't want to be anywhere else, but in this moment with him and her son. She was so overjoyed. She loved Aubrey and Adonis with all her heart.

It isn't good to turn Business to Pleasure, but in this case? It was alright.

The End....

Thank you all for reading! I am so happy to finally finish this book and I really hope y'all enjoyed! Sorry to rush it a little, but I had to get it done😩I will eventually go back and edit a lot because there are a lot of mess ups, but overall this is one of my favorite books I've written❤️Thank you all for the support and love y'all have shown me throughout this journey.

An Epilogue chapter may be coming soon! If y'all want to see anything specific in that chapter, please let me know! Again, thank you so much for the support!! I love you all❤️❤️❤️❤️

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