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Excuse any mistakes....

1 month later


For the last month, I have been staying with my parents, just because I didn't want to feel lonely. I would've stayed with Koi, but I know her and DeMun would be together a lot so either way, I'd still feel lonely. The last time I talked to Aubrey was last week, since he finally finished up the tour. We discussed the nursery for his house since after having the baby, I'd stay there for a couple of months instead of us both going back and fourth.

Writing songs, eating, and sleeping was on repeat for me. There was nothing exciting going on and I was trying to stay out of the media as much as possible because of the breakup and the pregnancy, since I was now starting to show even more. I didn't want anyone to know anything any time soon because I wasn't ready. As I was writing another song for my next album, my phone vibrated.

Hey Mahlani! Are you free by any chance? I was wondering if you were free to meet up at the luxury baby store off of Hans St. I wanted to talk to you and help you find somethings for the baby (: - Robyn

I twisted my lips while thinking. What could Robyn possibly want? I didn't despise her, but she did rub me the wrong way all of a sudden wanting to be back in Aubrey's life and flirting with him in front of my face.

Sighing before answering, I finally responded.

Sure..I'll meet you there in 20.

Okay cool! - Robyn

Since my hair was already done and I didn't feel like putting on makeup, I got up and threw on a sweater dress, with an oversized jean jacket to kind of cover up my belly. Because I didn't feel like driving or having Q trail behind me the whole time, I decided to order an uber.

"Hey Dad, I'll be back soon." I called out before walking out the front door and getting into the uber. I greeted the driver and buckled my seatbelt looking out the window.

After 30 minutes, I finally arrived at the luxury baby store. I placed my shades on and thanked the driver getting out of the car.

Walking to the entrance of the place, I didn't see Robyn inside. Pulling out my phone, I called her.

"Hey Mahlani, I'm sorry something just came up and I won't be able to make it...I apologize but if you want to look at anything, just tell the receptionist up front that you were here for an appointment for Robyn and you can look around. Again I'm really sorry." She said sighing.

"Oh no, it's alright. thank you." I said before hanging up. I rolled my eyes and walked up to the receptionist desk.

"Hi! I have an appointment under the name Robyn. She wasn't able to make it but she told me I should still be able to look around..?" I said trailing off.

"Yes ma'am! Right this way and I'll get someone to help you." She said guiding me to the entrance of the store.

30 minutes later

After walking around and spotting some things, I put them on hold so I could tell Aubrey about it first and see if he likes the stuff I chose.

"Thank you so much for helping me! I'll be sure to come back next week and finalize everything with Aubrey." I told Gia, the associate that helped me.

"Of course! Have a great day!" She said smiling.

"You too." I said returning the smile and walking back to the reception area. Looking around as a habit, I noticed Kenneth. I hope he wouldn't spot me but of course, he looked dead at me. Stopping in my tracks I sighed and he walked over to me.

"Hey Mahlani." He said smiling. Placing a fake smile on my face, I responded to him.

"Hello Kenneth..." He looked down at my stomach and his eyes widened with surprise, and a hint of hurt but he tried not to show it.

"Woah, congratulations." He said slightly smiling.

"Thank you...and congratulations to you too. I saw the announcement a few months back."

"Oh yeah. Thank you." He said. This whole situation was awkward and I was ready to go.

"Well, I have to get going so I'll see you around Kenneth." I said getting ready to walk out the door.

"Wait. Mahlani can we please talk? There's a cafe not too far from here...please?" He asked. I sighed.

"Yeah sure..." I said walking out the door and he walked beside me.

We finally made it to the cafe and I ordered a refresher. After he paid for both our drinks, I sat down and he sat in front of me. Taking a sip from my drink, I waited for him to say what he had to say.

"How's everything been for you?" He asked me.

"It's been good, very busy and tiring but good. Just taking it day by day." I said slightly smiling. There was silence between us for a few seconds before he started to speak again.

"I know I never got to apologize, and it's too late, also long over due, but I'm sorry. You didn't deserve any of what I put you through."

I smiled and actually appreciated that. "Thank you Kenneth. I really appreciate you apologizing. It's not bad blood between us." I said smiling. "I'm gonna go to the bathroom really quick."


Mahlani made her way to the bathroom, unaware of what would take place.

Kenneth looked around before slipping something in her drink. Of course he made sure to research that it wouldn't harm the baby because he already knew about the pregnancy. He wanted Mahlani back so badly, but didn't know if this was the way to do it.

After a few minutes Mahlani finally came back, and sat down drinking the rest of her drink.

"Hey I'm gonna go ahead and head out. I'll see you around." She said smiling. As soon as she stood up, everything started to spin and she stumbled a bit, but Kenneth came rushing to her side.

"Are you okay?" He asked her, pretending like he didn't know what was going on.

"I just feel a little dizzy." She said grabbing her head.

"I'll take you home...come on." He said helping her out of the door and to his car.

Little did he know, Brittany, his girlfriend and the mother of his child was watching this from the sidelines, and snapping pictures the whole time. She was even following them to Mahlani's apartment.

Kenneth finally arrived at her apartment, and helped her out of the car. Walking up the stairs, he already had her keys ready, and helped her inside. Regretting his decisions, he decided to just leave. Mahlani was knocked out cold on her bed.

Locking the bottom lock, he left out of her apartment. Brittany sat in the parking lot, watching the whole situation and wondered what was going on. She was infuriated, and decided to sell the pictures of Mahlani to tea pages.

The whole world would know her little secret soon.

To be continued....

5-6 more chapters left y'all! (:

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