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That Same Morning, 8:33am


The bleeding had finally stopped and I took and shower and got cleaned up while Aubrey cleaned the bathroom. After we finished cleaning, we did a little research and we were both still worried so I called the doctor and told her what was going on and she told us to come in immediately, so now we were currently on our way there. My mind was racing and I was shaking. Aubrey placed his hand on my leg.

"Baby everything is going to be fine. Please calm down." Aubrey said with a sad look upon his face and weakly smiling.

"How do you expect me to calm down when we probably lost our baby?" I said snapping. I didn't mean to, but I just couldn't handle this. I looked out the window as tears ran down my face and Aubrey removed his hand from my leg. After a few minutes, we finally pulled up to the doctors office and Aubrey got out the car walking to the front. That's how I know he was upset..I got out the car and walked to the front while Chubbs and Q walked behind me.

When I got in, the doctor was already standing there talking to Aubrey and she looked at me and grabbed my hand softly.

"Come on, there's no time to waste we need to make sure everything is okay." She said as we walked to the back. Aubrey followed behind us and we walked into the room. I got onto the table and lifted up my shirt while Doctor Davidson washed her hands. I was still shaking a little and Aubrey grabbed my hand.

She placed the ultrasound gel on my stomach, and started to move the probe around.

"Ahh there's the baby." She said pointing at the screen making me smile and tears run down my face.

"Thank God." I said quietly. She played the heartbeat and I smiled.

"As far as the bleeding, your cervix is just really delicate right now, that's why you were bleeding, but everything is fine mama!" She said with a smile.

"Thank you so much." I said while she wiped the gel off my stomach. After we chatted a little more, me and Aubrey left the office and we were in the car. The tension was so thick and I felt so bad. Instead of going back to my house, we were currently on the way to his house since I wanted to decorate it. We arrived and we both got out the car going inside. I grabbed his hand.

"Aubrey..I'm sorry. I didn't mean to snap on you, I was just nervous at the moment." I said tearing up. He smiled and wiped away my tears.

"Baby it's okay, I promise." He said kissing my lips and I was still crying.

"No it's not Aubrey— it's not okay. I shouldn't have done that, you were just as nervous and upset as me and all you were trying to do was comfort me and—"

"Lani. Calm down, everything is fine breathe." He told me rubbing my back since I started hyperventilating. He guided me to the couch and we sat down and he embraced me in a hug so I could calm down. After a few minutes, I finally calmed down.

"I'm sorry you had to see that." I said placing my head in my hands.

"Lani stop apologizing, I'm your man, I'm going to see a lot of things." He said flashing his million dollar smile making me smile.

"Okay, I'm so-", I caught myself before I said it again making us laugh.

"Go lay down for a bit, I'll be up there soon and we can decorate later, okay?" He said.

"Okay." I said sighing and going upstairs. I removed my clothes, put on one of Aubrey's T-shirts, and laid down closing my eyes trying to fall asleep. As I was drifting to sleep, I felt the bed dip and Aubrey's arms wrap around me. I smiled and drifted to sleep.

*A Few Hours Later*

I woke up to an empty bed and I yawned stretching. I went into the bathroom to wash and brush my teeth again before going downstairs. After I finished, I went down and saw Aubrey, Chubbs, Q, Koi, and DeMun pulling out Christmas decorations and I smiled.

"There she is! My baby mama!" Koi said squealing and running to me hugging me and kissing my belly while I just laughed.

"Hey y'all." I said smiling. Aubrey walked over to me and kissed me making me blush.

"So, we're going to put up the lights and stuff since it's easy to do, while everyone else does the hard stuff, but we're all going to help decorate the tree." Koi said grabbing some of the lights out the bin.

"Okay." I said grabbing some lights as well. We first started on the staircase and made our way down. After finishing the staircase, we did the fireplace, the kitchen, the front room, and some more places.

"What about outside? Did Aubrey say they were going to do the outside of the house as well?" I asked sitting on the floor and taking a sip of my water bottle."

"Nope, he said he was gonna hire someone to do it tonight." She told me.

"Oh okay." I said tiredly. I was sick of getting tired too quickly. I want to be able to stuff without getting tired.

"You look tired." Aubrey said walking over to us and then helping me off the ground.

"I am." I breathed out tiredly.

"We can handle the rest, go lay down Lani." Aubrey said making me cut my eyes at him.

"No I want to help with the tree and you know that." I said walking over to the tree.

"Okay, okay. My bad. Damn." He said putting his hands up. I connected my phone to the built in speakers on the wall and started to play some Christmas music and we all danced and sung while decorating the tree. After about 45 minutes of decorating the big ass tree, we were finally done and it looked so beautiful.

"Hey, if y'all want to come look at the lights outside, the man finished them." Chubbs said. We all walked to the front door and when I looked up I gasped and smiled.

"It looks so beautiful!" I said while Aubrey wrapped his arm around me and everyone agreed. After conversing a little more, we went back in the house and I checked the time seeing it was almost 11pm. I was really tired and I yawned stretching. "I'm gonna go take a shower, Koi I already cleaned and setup the room for you and D so y'all can head up there whenever y'all are ready." I said smiling. "Goodnight." I said pressing the button on the elevator and stepping on.

Once I got to the top, I got off and went in the room stripping out of my clothes and getting into the shower. After the shower, I put on one of Aubrey's shirts as usual and put on lotion. As soon as I got in the bed Aubrey walked in and grabbed me by my ankles and pulling me to the edge of the bed.

"Nigga what are you doing?" I asked laughing.

"So you not wearing panties? Oh so it's like that?" He asked slipping a finger inside me making me bite my lip.

"Aubrey..." I said lowly. His finger started to pump in and out of me and I tried to contain my moans but I couldn't. I was about to cum but he removed his finger and wasted no time entering himself inside of me and I moaned even louder than before.

"Shh baby, they're gonna head you quiet down." He said in my ear.

*A few hours later*

After I took another shower, I got back in bed and I was tired. I was trying to wait on Aubrey to hurry up and get in the bed but he was taking entirely too long. I rolled over and got out the bed going downstairs to get a snack. On my back up, I saw Koi and she looked at me and started laughing.

"What?" I asked placing my hand on my hip.

"Girl next time be more quiet." She said laughing even harder making me frown.

"Shut up." I said rolling my eyes playfully and walking back to the room. I was so embarrassed. When I got back in the bed, Aubrey came out the bathroom and got in bed and I instantly snuggled closer to him closing my eyes.


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