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Excuse any mistakes

The Next Morning


I woke up seeing that the sun was coming up. Groaning and turning over I checked the time seeing it was 7am...I don't even remember getting home let alone falling asleep.

Brushing it off, I checked my notifications seeing I had over 20 missed calls from Aubrey...weird.

I got out of bed and went to the bathroom brushing my teeth. Before I could even wash my face, I heard knocks on my front door.

Who the hell is here at 7 o'clock in the morning? The knocks wouldn't stop, and I opened the door to a panicked Koi and Aubrey.

"What are y'all doing here? What is going on?" I asked sighing and opening the door for them both.

"Where have you been? Me and Koi were calling and texting you non stop but you never picked up, I tried going to your parents house last night you weren't there and I tried here but you wouldn't answer the door and I had no way to get in." Aubrey said with a face full of panic.

"I don't know...I don't even remember getting back home nor falling asleep. The last thing I remember is being with Kenneth at a cafe and that's it. And that was at like 3 something in the afternoon." I said shrugging my shoulders. He sighed and ran a hand down his face.

"I'm just glad you and the baby are okay." Koi said with a heartfelt smile. "But...you didn't hear?" Koi asked me with a worried expression.

"Hear about what?" I asked her confused. Wha was going on and why were they both starting to act weird...

"Lani sit down." Koi told me, grabbing my hand and guiding me to the couch. She showed me an article. Grabbing the phone I read the title and my heart instantly dropped...

Mahlani and Drake Split, but Expecting?

The phone slipped out of my hands as my breathing became uneven. Who found out? How did it even get into the media. Aubrey sat next to me rubbing my back. I picked up the phone reading the whole article and my heart sank. Someone managed to get pictures of me and Kenneth at the cafe, and me getting into his car..? I don't even remember that happening.

"I don't even remember anything outside of the cafe.." I told Aubrey.

"Something's not right...I'm gonna get to the bottom of it but don't even worry about it. Are you okay?" He asked me. Being under his gaze made me feel so vulnerable. I missed him so much and it was hurting me.

"I'm fine. I didn't want anyone to know yet but now everyone knows. We have to come out about it but I don't want anyone to know we're separated."

"Wait what?" Koi asked confused. Pretending I didn't hear her, I continued to talk to Aubrey.

"Call Oliver, tell him to book a mini maternity shoot for today. We can post about it and confirm it and I'll deny the rumors of being back with Kenneth or having any sort of relationship with him for that matter. Everything will be fine." I said breathing out.

"Alright. I'll call him now." Aubrey said standing up and taking the call in the office.

"Excuse me ma'am, I know you heard me...when did you two split?" I sighed.

"Not too long ago, I really don't wanna go into detail. I'm already dealing with too much." I told her.

"I understand, but we're gonna have to talk about it eventually Lala...I need to know what's going on. I know I've been hanging with DeMun more but I don't want you to ever feel like I'm ignoring you or brushing you off. I am always here for you, please don't ever hesitate to come over or schedule a girls day with me. I will always make time for you." Koi said pulling me into a hug making me smile.

"Thank you Koi." I said hugging her back even tighter. Hearing footsteps, I pulled away from the hug and looked up at Aubrey.

"The shoot is scheduled for 3pm, every thing is planned out. I'll pick you up at 1. " He said with a small smile.

"Alright sounds good, I'll see you at 3." I said smiling back at him and he nodded and said his goodbyes to Koi before leaving the apartment.

"Ugh you two are clearly still madly in love with each other it's so obvious." She said making me roll my eyes. "I'm gonna head out too though, but I'll be there at the shoot, text me the details." She said kissing my cheek.

"Okay I will, see you later." I said getting up to let her out.

A few hours later

Me and Aubrey were currently pulling up to the studio for the shoot. I didn't know what to wear, so I just did my makeup, and hair. We got out the car and walked to the entrance, immediately being met by Oliver. We said our hellos and he led us to the dressing room.

"Since this is such short notice and I'm pretty sure y'all want it to be simple, the photographer chose white polo button down shirts with black shorts for Mahlani and black jeans for Aubrey and y'all will both be bare foot." Oliver said. The photographer is lucky I got my toes done not that long ago. "For the second session of the shoot, Mahlani you'll be in a blue dress and Aubrey will be matching with a polo shirt the same color and white jeans. Sounds good?"

"Alright sounds good." I said smiling. We both went our separated ways to get changed and I touched up my makeup making sure it looked okay. After getting dressed, I walked to the area where we would be taking pictures.

1 Hour Later..

The photographer had us do so many poses in the first outfit and I was exhausted. Who knew maternity pictures would be this exhausting? We were now in the second outfit and on the last few poses.

"Alright for the last one, I'm going to have you grab your stomach and close your eyes, while Drake kisses your forehead while touching your belly with his left hand." We got into the position and my heart was ponding outside of my chest. "Yes! Perfect hold that pose." She said snapping multiple pictures. "Got it. That's a wrap!" She said smiling. We went over to look at the pictures and they looked beautiful. We chose our favorites to post for today.

"Since I know you both need these few pictures ASAP, I'll go ahead and send them through email right now." She said grabbing her computer and doing what she needed to do to send them. After a few minutes, we finally received the pictures and I told Aubrey the plan.

I would post regarding everything and talk about it in the caption, while Aubrey just posted the pictures with no caption. I decided to leave the whole Kenneth situation out of this moment, that could be dealt with later on or another time.

@queenmahlani: Yes, it's true, I am pregnant. No me and @champagnepapi have not split, we are still together😊. We will continue to deal with this pregnancy, our child, and relationship privately, thank you💙


@yrnkaion: i should've been her baby daddy💔💔💔

@therealkoko: congratulations bestie😘💙

@mahlanisnunberonefan: congratulations fav😌i am so happy for you both!!💙

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"Well now that's done, I can finally be at peace." I said sighing as me and Aubrey walked out of the studio.

"Damn right." He said agreeing

We both got in the car and he took me back to my parents house.

"Everything about yesterday is still sketchy to me. I'm gonna look into it, but you need to be safe. Do not leave without Q from now on, please." He said sighing.

"Alright Aubrey." I said giving him a tight lipped smile.

"Next week I'll come get you to go to that place you were telling me about on the way to the studio, and we can start decorating." He told me and I smiled.

"Okay sounds good, see you later." I said getting out of the car and going to the front door of my parents house.

To be continued....

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