Chapter 46

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Paper Pusher

Hoochie did his best to avoid financial institutions and since there was no paper trail to track his assets, it appeared he had no net worth, but that was the furthest thing from the truth. He had used a million dollars to purchase the equivalent in pure gold bars. He had them all melted to manufacture horse tack. All of the horseshoes, saddle horns, bits and bridles, custom spurs, belt buckles and other tack used at Shelton Stables were made of pure gold and insured for it's original cost plus 15 percent. It was an investment better than the stock market, cause every time one of Vanessa Shelton's horses won big, it increased the value of her training facility and everything associated with it. Her most famous horse, a thoroughbred named Sidewinder was known for his pure gold teeth. Vanessa had her veterinarian install them the year after Sidewinder won the Grand Prix. It created a media frenzy, which in turn pushed the value up just that much more. And, of course none of this was in Vanessa's name. Or Hoochies. Since he didn't legally own anything, no one could ever take anything from him, which is why he never worried about lawsuits. Hoochie was still smart enough to keep an attorney on retainer at all times for good measure, and he had taught his daughter Sharosta to do the same.  Hoochie was also smart enough not to put all his eggs in one basket. He'd known Nicholas Andros a long time. Long enough in fact, he knew damn well he couldn't trust him, at least not totally, anyway. Nicholas, or Noochie as he called him, was just as crooked as they come. He knew this cause he taught Noochie how to play the game a long time ago. It was before either of them had a penny to their name. And, he'd taught him well, just not as well as himself. He always figured Noochie would dip at some point; but, Noochie wasn't just dipping, he was scooping. Scooping and duping. Scooping large sums of funds and duping Vanessa by pencil whipping the numbers. Noochie cooked the books so well, he didn't think anyone could see through his smoke and mirrors facade; but, he'd forgotten that game recognize game as they're one of the same. Hoochie saw through it all; although he never informed his niece about Noochie's five finger helpings of her money. Being the streetwise hustler he was, Hoochie had his eye on his ol' pal the whole time and would continue to do so, especially since he had to protect his own interests. He had his own two heirs to look after, his wife Averie and his daughter Sharosta.

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