Chapter 57

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As Myles grew older and older, he rarely looked back at the past. He figured it was just that, the past, and he felt content to leave it there. The sheer fact that Averie was still reeling over the thought that Sharosta was the offspring of Big star's cousin instead of herself was beyond belief to him. Couldn't a woman discern her own flesh and blood? Didn't mothers have an uncanny ability to recognize their own spawn? Mothers intuition it's called, if he wasn't mistaken. He deduced it down to her not wanting to acknowledge the truth. After all the years that had passed, he figured it was never really about the kid anyway. He concluded that Averie only used Shar's existence for her own personal manipulative ways for ill gotten gain, whether it be to sucker him into feeling guilty about his past, or whatever hell else she could conjure up as a reason for retribution in her own little warped mind. The fact to him was that nobody owed Averie shit. Not the world owed her, and for damn sure he didn't owe her anything. Her forty-eight year pity party for herself and hatred for him had taken its toll, because he never saw Shar anymore and knew he never would. He felt it deep within, but he didn't share his gut feeling with Averie. He knew she would be all too thrilled to receive that piece of information, so he kept it to himself.

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