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the summer after sophomore year

memorythe summer after sophomore year

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"Oh, sweetheart, you look beautiful." Karen Wheeler cooed, walking towards the stairs as Nancy descended down them. She put an arm out towards her daughter and gently placed her right palm to Nancy's cheek, caressing her face with a smile.

Nancy offered a small smile in return as her mother removed her hand. She then diverted her eyes from her mothers adoring gaze and found the clock that hung on her house wall. Steve should be here any minute, Nancy thought. He won't be late.

"It's very sweet of you to do this." Karen spoke, still looking at her daughter with a soft expression. "Mr. Mendoza was a great man. He would be touched that you went to support Olivia."

Nancy's eyes returned to her mother.

"It's the right thing to do." She stated, earning a proud smile in response.

Karen nodded.

"She's a sweet girl. I feel so bad for how rough she's had it."

She paused for a moment.

"I was there when she was born, you know that?"

Nancy's eyebrows shot up.

"You were?" She asked. Her mom pursed her lips and then nodded.

"I always thought you two would be good friends, like her and Steve were." Karen's eyebrows drooped sadly. "Why aren't you all friends?"

Nancy bit the inside of her cheek and turned her head, directing her glance towards the floor. She gave a small shrug.

"We just run in different circles, that's all."

As Karen gave her daughter a small nod in understanding, a knock at the door alerted the two Wheeler women that Steve had finally arrived. Nancy quickly bid her mother a goodbye, suddenly feeling both awkward and guilty at her mothers question, and greeted her boyfriend at the door.

. . • ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊ ° . ☆➵

Steve and Nancy didn't talk during the drive.

Steve seemed panicked as they pulled up to the graveyard. Nancy took notice of the anxious way his fingers tapped against the steering wheel as he drove. Even after everything they had experienced in the past two years, Nancy had to admit that seeing Steve so worried was the strangest of all. Once they parked, she waited for her boyfriend to make a motion to leave the car. Instead, he sat in his seat with white hands still gripping tightly at his steering wheel.



"It's the right thing to do." Nancy assured him, repeating what she had told her mother earlier. She leaned over and placed a comforting hand on his shoulder. "I'm glad you asked me to come."

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