Part 2. The wind of change.

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Though it was Saturday I decided to work a bit. I had been designing some new prints for clothes, and ideas poured like rain. The more patterns I'll create, the more chances that some of them could be successful, and then I'll got some extra money to my salary.

I have arrived by 11:00, and started drawing. Today i was really into some geometric shapes, and nice patterns were appearing one by one on my artboards.

Woah, is that my perfect scooter exchange, or the effect of the life on the line made me burst with creativity?

I haven't noticed that it was already 15:00. I saved all the patterns in files and decided to add them into the presentation for managers...
- Oh, what a brilliant ideas you've got! - that voice from behind was sudden but comforting.
- M-Mitsuya-senpai?! Thank you so much!

Omg, this is the living legend of this building, Takashi Mitsuya! Young designer, that has already written his name into Tokyo fashion industry...

- Hey, hey, just Mitsuya is okay. I like this patterns. I know you designing it for some project, but after it ends, I'd like to work with ya. - he winked
- W-what? Really? I-im sorry, i just too excited that someone of your level had praised me, that's an honour. - I stood and bowed. I'm bowing either I really respect people I talk to, or when I don't want any problems. That's what I've been taught while I was a kid.
- C'mon, you making me feel uncomfortable. I'm an ordinary designer, just like you, that's all. Admiring someone's talent is common in our community, isn't it? - he gave me the sincere and bright smile, - I just saw something nice on your screen. I'll catch you later, when you'll be ready to work with me. Bye.
- Um, yes Mitsuya-kun, bye! - you waved him and smiled.

I finished my work and went out of office, it was only 4:00 pm, so I decided to eat outside today. I went to the restaurant nearby with the perfect ramen. The owners are siblings, twins, if to be correct, but they weren't alike at all. The one was smiley all the time, and the other is angry. Anyway, they both were hilarious, and I like to watch how do they communicate.
I've ordered a spicy ramen... something is going weird with my taste: yesterday i wanted sweets, and today I want a spiciest ramen this Earth ever seen. But spicy food is my weak point, this is something I could not refuse of...
- Hey, I didn't expected you'll be here!
- Mitsuya-kun! I like to go to this ramen shop, because ramen here is perfect! Do you also like it?
- Yes, by the way, - he looked on the owners, - Smiley, Angry, did you hear that? This girl says your ramen is perfect!

Reaction was predictable: Smiley smiled widely, and Angry became less angry... I find it hilarious 😂

- You know them, Mitsuya-kun?
- Yes, we're childhood friends. I'm really sorry, I have forgot your name, - he said awkwardly.
- Oh, I haven't told it yet. I'm Yamada Y/N, nice to meet you, - you smiled widely.
- Haha, you're cute, Y/N-chan...

I felt that I'm blushing... Why so suddenly I became such a sociable and nice? Where did I get that from?

- Your Yokai-ramen, Y/N-chaaan~
Smiley brought my ramen, and I catched a cold stare of Mitsuya on me.
- What? No, it won't burn me to dust. No, my stomach won't ache. Yes, I'm sure I want to eat it, and it would taste delicious as hell! - I knew all the questions he'll ask.
- Okay, no questions left...

He began to eat his meal, and I started my. It was not really convenient to talk while eating, besides, I was enjoying my ramen so much, that the world just stopped for me.
After I finished I put my chopsticks on the plate and sipped some water.

- Hey, Smiley-kun, it was weak today, I didn't even sweat! - I said loudly and gave him a decent smile. Of course I did sweat, but how would he know? 😏
- Next time I'll make you a killer-ramen! - growled Angry, but I knew he smiled in his heart.
- I'm waiting for our next round, - I said, trying to imitate JoJo's style.

Mitsuya also finished his meal when I ended to exchange the JoJo references with Angry.

- You know, Y/N-chan, you are a dangerous person, I think... Once I've just tried that ramen from one of my other friends, and that was the biggest mistake of my life. Never I would forget it...
- Oh, stop being so dramatic, some people just like spicy food, some like sweet food, that's okay... but I most likely to agree that my addiction to spicy food is kindaaa... um... not natural.
- It's frightening, - he said looking at you all serious.
- Okay, I accept it. - I said it with the face "that was rude, but I respect your straightforwardness"

You've spend a couple of minutes talking about some stuff about your future cooperation, and then went out of the restaurant. You waved to Mitsuya and got to your scooter.

I still can't understand how did I become so good in communicating with people...

I was thinking about everything that happened for the last two days, while riding home.

Is it because I managed to defend my rights at the store with the scooter? No... when I went there I was already 120% confident. Maybe it's because of last night... that crashing, Haitanis and gangsters. I was frightened, but I wasn't scared of them... at that time, my one and only thought was "this is the end". On the road, while talking to Ran and Rindo, when that blonde scared me at the shop. I was just doing what i had to do, like this is the last thing I could ever do in my life. That's why it just HAD to be the right and sincere thing.
My life was nothing but trying to be nice to everyone, and I ended up alone in the big city, with no friends and relations. But just for today I got Mitsuya and the Ramen-brothers... just because I did what seemed right to me.

I screamed the last line in my head, and felt a relief. Starting tomorrow, I'm doing only that I feel coherent with!
I came to my apartment with this thoughts...
"I'm home" - I was always saying this to myself. Not like i felt alone, I just decided from the first day in Tokyo that I won't get off this habit, because it really makes me feel at home.

I took a shower and did a proper skincare. Now I'm carrying about myself, because I need it. After that I went to bed and fell asleep immediately, with the confident smile on my face.

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