Part 12. Fury and madness.

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*** Mikey's POV ***

It took me a lot of time to do all the work in the port area. When I came to the car, I found out that I had a lot of missed calls and messages. I felt pain in my heart, when I saw these were from my people, who was watching Y/N. Of course I can't left her alone, since a plenty of people saw us together and I knew rumours were already spreading. I called Kakucho, since he is responsible for this duty. He took his phone immediately.

- Mikey, please try to not to fall in your emotions. We lost her.
- WHAT THE FUCK, KAKUCHO?! - I yelled.

I cant believe it, the ache in my heart growed 100 times.

- Mikey, Sanzu is already looking for a rat. We don't know who is responsible for it yet. We are currently looking through all the cameras in the mall to find some hooks.
- I'm going to the office, bring me those who was supposed to watch her.
- One of them are dead, Mikey, other two have severe wounds, and are operated right now. Wait a second... - I heard someone was telling him something on the background, - I guess we found something, go here quickly.
- I'm on my way, - I hung up the call.

I haven't noticed how I started the car and moved out, I did it automatically while talking to Kaku. I guess I have violated all of the traffic rules, but I got to the mansion as quick as possible.

I rushed into my office room, all the top members are already here: Sanzu, Kakucho, Takeomi, Kanji, Ran, Rindo and Kokonoi. Everyone is busy, and haven't even greeted me, I don't even need it, though.

- Boss, we found this, - Sanzu put some photos on my table.

This was pictures of Y/N and a man in the elevator. I could not recognise him, since his face is unseen, he doesn't have any signs that could lead to a gang. Takeomi approached me and took one photo.

- We can't say for sure, because the quality is poor, but look at this photo, he pushes the button, - Takeomi pointed at the hand of the man.
- Shuji Hanma. How did he got out of the hell? - I asked.
- He had people with him, means he works for someone, OR he is the one who they work for. We could identify only one of them, since one of our boys managed to take off his mask.
- Bring that fucker alive. Is that all you've got?
- For now yes, - Takeomi lighted up the cigarette and stood in front of my table, - You supposed to distance yourself from that young lady...
- That's none of your business, Takeomi.
- No Mikey, now it's or business too, - Sanzu came and stood next to him, - We are loosing our shit right now looking for her. All we ask from you is to let us know her status!

I stood to kick him, but I feel that my legs are shivering. I collapsed into my chair and thoughts flown my head.

[I wanted to wait until she would think on her own, without me bothering her. Of course after I treated her nice she would be ready to be with me, but I thought she should live by herself for a couple of weeks to organise her thoughts about me.
And now this happens. She is experiencing something awful right now because I haven't managed to protect her from the start. This might ruin everything, but this is how it is. I would find her and save her, and let it be like it should be.]

- Sanzu... I thought it would be easy for me to forget about her. I failed. After what happens right now I'm sure she would not like to mess with me and all of this shit.
- What if she would stay? - Asked Sanzu.
- I don't think it's possible, - said Takeomi, - she is top 1 of her course, I bet she has some good job offers already.
- Mikey, you know, I felt some crazy vibes from her even though I saw her only a couple of times, - grinned Sanzu, - You should think of a plan of protecting your precious princess.

I gave him a gloomy look. [Did he tried to bring some hope for me? Or he really can feel something like that? Nonsense... I'm pretty sure Y/N would be scared to stay with me after Hanma kidnapped her.]

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