Part 6. The apology pt.1

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***Y/N POV***
- I'm home!
My habit works like a swiss watch whether I heavily drunk or scared to death. Throwing that line made me feel relief. I fell on the wall and slowly slipped down.

[What the hell was that? I had a perfect day, but then Mikey appeared, scared me to death and left me alone with all of that fear. He has two faces, and it's definitely that he didn't want to show his violent side, but he did.
Anyway, I tried to stop him. Not just from punching that Sanzu again, but from going to another violence. But he rejected me, and now he does something bad with that stupid brat.
If Sanzu knows Mikey, why would he do something like that?...]

I am full of thoughts and I can't stop thinking about what happened. I took my shoes off and went directly to the bathroom. The warm water is so calming...

[I do care about Mikey and I see that he needs someone on his side. Maybe calling me a girlfriend was too much of Sanzu, because it just looked like this. I reminded Mikey of his friend, so he thought I'm strong enough to be by his side. And I'd like to help him make his life happier, because he sacrificed his for the sake of his friends.]

I went out of the shower and rolled the towel around me...

[Also, he is their boss. Does it mean he is the boss of the entire gang or just some division? His position can give me some information about how dangerous he is... How much blood is on his hands?]

I stopped thinking, as my head started aching.

[I would think about it tomorrow, now I just want to drink some warm cocoa and watch an interesting movie or documentary, to cast out thoughts about tonight from my head. I'll think about it tomorrow.]

***Mikey's POV***

Driving calmed me down, the traffic was huge, people were going somewhere outside the city for weekends, so there were lots of cars. But I was still mad of this situation Sanzu created, I'd like to beat the shit out of him right now and here...
- Mikey, don't you wanna say something? - his smile pissed me more.
- Yes, I do want to say you something, jerk. If I told you all that I have my own business tonight, that means nobody should interfere! I didn't want her to be scared of us. Ran, did you know she was living with the thoughts that you and your brother would murder her after the accident? She really felt that bad just because of couple of scratches on your motorcycles and your mocking in the bar! What if her fear came to the point, where she'd go to cops and tell them our whereabouts that they shouldn't know? That bar was the secret spot, and you f**ckers managed to drag her there so she could see almost all the top of Boten. Were you even using your brain?!

I stopped because my anger can influence my driving. That sounded pretty concerning, in fact, I'm just manipulating the facts, so they won't think she's special to me. I know now, that they won't hesitate to hurt her in this case.

- So you just came to comfort her? - asked Ran, who was the most serious among those two.
- I thought of hanging with Y/N and explaining that we are all okay about what happened, and we won't bother her ever again. But no, you just HAD to stick your nose, Sanzu! Are you relieved?!
- Yes, I am... now you'll have to do much, much more to fulfill your plan... I'm satisfied... - he smirked and turned his had to the window of the car.
- What does that mean, Sanzu?
- Who knows... I just want to see where is really goes, - he looked through the backview mirror on me. - I was really thinking she's your new toy and we always share our toys, aren't we, my friend?
- She's not a toy. And she's not our target. I will apology for everything she witnessed with us, and settle it peacefully. We can't risk to see her one day bringing the PSIA* or something like it with her.

*PSIA - public security intelligence agency - the national security agency in Japan under the Ministry of justice (source: Wikipedia). A.N.: kind of special forces that investigate various crimes on the national level, which can't be investigated by police only.

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