Britannia's Crusade

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Royal Capital Nodnol, Adler's Castle

2 days has passed since the info has arrived to Adler that despite the weakened state of the Royal Army, there was still stiff resistance on the Town of Whithill. This news frustrated Adler and his companions who was redirecting rescourses to put down the rebellion instead of crushing neighboring kingdoms with more efficiency

Adler: Now this is getting annoying. Not only the Town of Whithill and its surrounding areas are still fighting, but they manage, of all people, kill Vul

One of Adler's Generals, Molova, points out an extra information to Adler that serves as another bad news

Molova: Not only that, they were able to defeat 3,500 monsters under Vul's command. They must have monsters of their own

A man with a staff and black robes speaks up. This man was Don, a necromancer of Adler

Don: Vul and his 3,500 strong monsters were defeated by a rebellion...tsk, Molova could be right. This is something else

Adler's attention went to Don who seems to have made a possibility that there was something else behind the scenes

Adler: "Something else"? Dont tell me our neighbors are interferring with our plans!

Molova: But Your Majesty, such a thought is theoritcally impossible. Our neighbors are unable to send aid inside this country because they're in the process of being crushed by our forces

Adler: Whatever this is, needs to be taken care off quickly. What about the garrison on this cities? Glesfor city?

Molova: 1,000 Monsters and 1,200 Human men ready to defend or dispatch, a sort of splinter force from General Vul

Adler: Ready them along the others for a counter attack, we'll crush this rebellion once and for all. Don, get more monsters for our cause, Molova, recruit more humans. A contingency if our enemy rebels are truly something else

Adler points at the map where Whithill is marked with an X while neighboring cities and settlements under Adler's rule was ready to attack with Glesfor being the nearest

Fort Avalon, Y/N Pov

The base has expanded more now to accommadate the necessary equipment and manpower to house a thousand men. Barracks increased, airfields and hangars have became larger and garages for tanks and vehicles have grown

As well as with the fact that yesterday was a mop up operations to clear the area of monsters which increased my influence and power over this land

Along the way, i was promoted to Colonel and i had gained the necessary knowledge for strategies and tactics as if some external force gave me it and now im more confident on what im doing

Standing on the middle of the fort where my thousand strong soldiers stood and were waiting for me to start a small speech at a early morning. I look at my soldiers, many of them expresses loyalty and obedience which made me felt even more confident

Y/N: Here we stand against a foe that seeks to envelop the innocents in darkness. We are one unbreakable shield against the coming darkness, one last blade, forged in defiance of fate,
Let them be our legacy to the nation i protect. And our duty to the people we will liberate

Y/N: The world has many horrors yet to throw at us. This is not the end of our struggle. This is just the beginning of our crusade to save Humanity. Be faithful! Be strong! Be vigilant!

It was a short and brief speech, lasting less than a minute but i believe it was powerful enough for motivating the men under my command

The soldiers claps and were inspired by speech and i stood at the platform very glad that these men and women are willing to charge into the unknown world of fantasy with nothing but guns and bayonets

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