Knowing Evil

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Y/N Pov

A few days has passed in this world and i now have fully accepted that i cannot leave this place but instead, reinforce my grip in a small section of land of whatever this place is. Recon has been the top priority of task along with the line of small skirmishes of beasts like Orcs, Goblins and an Ogre

The act of killing anything considered hostile has given me of what is similar to video games known as EXP and with those skirmishes, i have achieved greater levels with manpower reaching 450. Its not much but it is enough to operate the fort and with an addition of runways and hangars and operators to maintain equipment and vehicles

Pilots of Super Marine Spitfire Mk IX did aerial recon which was faster and safer and later found a town several of kilometers away that can be another stage of contact to wherever we are

Being alone in my office, i hold my head with both hands as i felt very tired in keeping a face as a reliable commander but in reality, im just a lad that plays strategy games very well

Y/N: I dont think i can keep up this act...but, i just hope whatever the hell this is, ends soon

Going outside of my office was the star fort being a bit more crowded than before. The walls had 2 and 6 pounder guns coupled with Vickers Machine guns pointed everywhere outside of the walls. On the entrance was guarded by a squad with sandbags as covered and a Bren sitting idly by as no threats were no where near and a Matilda tank as an extra guard for the entrance

And lastly, a sniper tower for overwatch, making sure that the threat can be found before it gets too close. Manned by a sniper with a Enfield Sniper, the soldier was standing casually while looking over the walls with his Lee Enfield at hand

Y/N: A lovely morning today, Olivia

Olivia: Pleasant morning, isnt it?

Y/N: I hope so, we'll be setting foot to that town the pilot saw, so get some breakfast and gather a squad after that. We'll be heading out before noon

Olivia: Understood

Town, 6km away from Star Fort

After the surrender of the Kingdom's forces and death of their king by the hands of Adler. Many former loyal knights and soldiers of the Kingdom didnt recognize their new king and outright ran a resistance on seemingly unimportant locations such as the countrysides

At the edge of the town in the Town of Whithill was a battle ground between humans and monsters of Adler. Corpes of beast and human littered the ground and their blood stained the grass and roads while the sound of metal against metal clashes not too far ahead

A man stood differently than the ordinary soldier, proudly bearing the crest of his Majesty's royal symbol on his chestplate with a Glaive at hand is a man named Uremedes

Uremedes is a man with black hair and blue eyes, standing a bit taller than the men who fought side by side with and at the rank of Royal Captain for achieving deeds on the battlefield against Adler's men

One of the few survivors to have fled the capital by his own king's order, he had wished to fight to the death inside the castle but he was dragged away to live on and continue the fight elsewhere

On his side was men under his command armed with swords, spears and shield in a formation as he battles Orcs, Goblins, Bugbears and Lizardmen

Simple beasts but numerous of them and with their superior physical prowess over mere humans, it was suppose to be an easy battle but Uremedes and his forces fought and stood their ground

Working with his Glaive, Uremedes' motion was fluid, powerful yet swift. He cleaves a Goblin in half before using the momentum of his polearm to strike a Orc that was distracted in fighting one of his men, he slashes the Orc on the neck and decapitating the beast with one fell swoop

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