The war that came early

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Southern France, Italian assault, 1 hour later

Italian infantry were running across the hail of lead being fired at them by fortified French troops who have gotten their senses together and established back the chain of command. The surprise attack by the Italians caught off the French Garrison which made them lose a small chunk of land and a few towns due to the speed that the Infantry done with the support of Howitzers and Rocket Artillery

Breaking through the improvised defenses of the French Soldiers while taking quite a number of casualties along the way as machine gun nests and land mines as pre-caution by the French Military

Several messages were being sent to high command on Paris about the situation where it was no longer a skirmish, it was war. Panzer III's with Italian symbols ravage across the entry of a French city where anti-tank guns were positioned. A French 47mm anti tank shell pierces through a half-track cleanly, killing its crew and the squad inside. A French machine gunner with a M1919 30. Caliber machine gun fires on a sandbag emplacement on a house window where it was gunning down anyone who dares to charge their position along with riflemen besides him

A field of dead Italian and overran French soldiers lay lifeless on the once green grass stained with blood and iron. The machine gunner turns his attention at a Italian squad who were flanking to the left side of his position where he aims and gun them down with the American machine gun along side with his comrades inside the house. Dozens of rounds fly at their direction yet the Italian soldiers continue on with their flanking manuever

The Panzer III shoots at the building where the Machine Gun position was, blowing it to smithereens and anyone inside it. The 47mm shoots the tracks of the Panzer III making it immobile for the time being where the Italians halted their assault and being pinned down with Rifle fire by their MAS 36 and Thompson SMG's / M3 SMG

Another set of barrage by lighter guns of 105mm howitzers and Model 35 81mm Mortars fires upon the French position and anything behind it to disrupt reinforcements and the soldiers who were fortified. The mortar blast threw men up in the air like ragdoll before the Italians continued their advance with the French faltering on the city

More and more tanks such as Panzer III's and IV's continue to pour inside the city with infantry covering them. French defenders fought with everything they got, 47mm AT Guns fired at the advancing tanks with its operator wounded but with fight still with him, loaded an AP shell into the breech and getting a lucky strike on the sides of a Panzer IV, striking the side hull and hitting the engine before being blown to bits by a Italian mortar round

A soldier who had last his left arm blown off, crawls to his FM 24 machine gun and held it with a tight grip before firing a burst to kill or suppress the charging Italian infantry before finally getting hit by a 9mm from a Model 38 SMG. With the French first line of defense taken out, the Italians charge inside the city where many more soldiers waiting for them in opposition with bayonets on their rifles and the determination to defend down to tooth and nail

Germany, SS Headquarters, Berlin

Elias was having a visit to his close friend, Matilda at the HQ of her organization. Wearing a warm coat with a set of gloves and winter boots, he walks inside to see that there the site was busier than usual. It was an odd scene for Elias, it was winter yet the men were hard at work

Elias walks into one of the offices of the SS staff where they were contacting what it seems to be the Italians as they spoke Italian with a bit of panic and anxiety on their voices

It was when a familiar blonde hair, purple eye woman came into view, Matilda suddenly showed up with a report folder on her hands, not to mention she was sort of pale and in a rush. "M-Matilda? Everything doesnt seem alright. Whats happening?". Matilda stops on her tracks, completely forgetting that the Führer was paying a visit. "E-Elias?!". Matilda shouts in a panic

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 06, 2023 ⏰

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