Winter Intermission

429 20 15

Britain, Y/N Pov

During the winter months, it was lightly snowing and quite cold outside the palace. I dressed warmly while maintaining a professional appearance as I spoke with members of the House of Lords and Senate. For the time being, it was all about military matters because Germany is a problem, but there is still information in the unknown that has yet to be uncovered, so we are playing things safe

"Its impossible to conclude that Germany is alone, Germany does not know that France has allies, yet, we do not also know if Germany also has allies. The fog of war is thick as it is so maintaining our forces is the best decision for now before making any sort of moves, especially since it is winter. Better to keep the element of surprise". I say before taking a small sip of my favourite Earl Grey Tea to drink something hot during such cold times

"Sire, is it really okay for us to have such a meeting? You were unconscious for almost a day and only recently have you been able to stand". Wallace says with concern on his tone and look on his face

Right now, with my powers, I am quite surprised to know that I was able to create infastrucutre on Canada, New Zealand and Australia and the side effect was that I was unconscious for 18 hours while being out cold so if mother knew I was in a meeting instead of resting, I would certainly get a lecture. "I am alright, a cup of tea should do me nicely. What I need is progress of our colonies, have the Vice Roys began work?". I ask at the military cabinet members of nobility and commoners and they responded back

"Conscription have been issued to all 3 colonies raising to 15-20k troops of the native populace and our own people as well. Settlers have began industrial work at producing weaponry, although, at a snail's pace, we can expect greater productivity once things get warmer, Australia though has consistent output as the southern hemisphere being warmer and at 19 degrees celcius and working qualities is as expected". One of the industrial experts says. I nod at the statements. To outproduce the enemy is one thing I need to achieve in a war and with America's help, we can certainly outproduce any of Germany's allies and Germany itself

A day later, Conference Room. Somewhere in Maine, France

A undisclosed location inside France where nation's leader of the alliance was held and many officials both politically and military where summoned for a conference between war plans. Kings and Presidents were present and took center stage with each nation's officials were behind them with microphones to voice out any concerns or ideas

I had rested my chin ontop of my palm with American army generals speaking out there thoughts of a land war with Germany and possible allies where the Navy could respond if such threats like the Italian, Japanese or whatever nation's navy could arise. "-And as of now, tens of thousands of American boots are inside France with many more on their way as soon as winter ends"

The American General finishes his minute long report before the room adjusted to the next topic

A French politician talks into the microphone. "We really appreciate the help but we cant help but feel more safe knowing that our great neighbor, Britain is busy with its own imperialist expansion". Amelie looks at me with a cheeky smirk before closing her eyes in a apolegetic way for her subordinates rudeness. "How can we truly be sure that Britain will help us instead of going their own way and claiming pieces of land instead of stopping the Germans". The French politician continued despite Amelie herself was giving him a death glare

A little chuckle came out of me before a British General spoke up with a clear reply to the politician. "Well, I suppose training French soldiers on using our Anti-Tank guns and using the RAF to train new French air force recruits to use Spitfires and Hurricanes is not doing enough"

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