Season 3 - Suzie, Do You Copy?

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TW// VERY small mentions of drug use; drug addiction

-(Y/n)'s pov-

I walk down the stairs trying to listen for any voices in the house. I hear a sigh come from the kitchen and jump the last three steps, running towards the sigh.

"What's up, scamp?" My dad is standing at the kitchen counter, sipping something in a mug.

I furrow my brows at the name he gives me and shake my head in response, "I was wondering if I could go to the mall? I can get the bus there and back?"

I watch him, bouncing my leg. I haven't really left our house since I got here, so randomly asking my dad if I can go to the mall when it's already dark out might be a little strange. 

He raises his eyebrows and starts to smile back, "Really? Yeah, sure. Mary and I were actually going to leave for the night and have a little date. I can just drop you off there on our way."

I smile creeps onto my face. I always liked the mall back home, and I heard the one here is pretty nice considering it's in the middle of Indiana of all places.

"But I think Steve should drive you home."

I turn to look at him and my smile turns into a scowl.

"Oh, don't look at me like that (Y/n). You two have barely talked while you've been here. I want you guys to... I don't know, bond? Maybe you can on the ride home?"

I sigh, knowing he's right. Steve and I haven't said much to each other, other than 'Oh, you're up, finally' or 'Can you pass me the remote'. It doesn't help that he's always at work and I'm always in my room.

"Alright, that's fine. I'm going to go get changed into actual clothes," I add, a little defeated.

I run back towards the steps and up to my room. I close my door behind me and walk toward my closet. I don't have many clothes to pick from so I just grab the first thing I see and throw it on. 

I open my door once again and run back downstairs. I'm greeted by my father and Mary already standing by the door, patiently waiting for me.

I shove my feet into my sneakers and lace them quickly.

"Alright, let's go!" I beam up to them and open the door.

-Time skip-

"Alright, we're here. Remember that you are to ride home with Steve. And take this," My father reaches his hand around to the back seat, a fifty-dollar bill in between his pointer and middle finger.

My eyes widen, "You're joking? I really don't need that, it's fine."

"No, I insist. You need some new clothes anyway. I see you doing laundry every four days."

I gulp and hesitantly take the bill from his hand, "Thank you."

He looks at me through the rear-view mirror and smiles, "Alright, you get out of here. Go have fun."

I nod my head and open the car door, "Bye!"

I walk towards the entrance to the mall, dumbfounded. This is a better mall than any I've ever seen. It towers over the many people walking in and out, despite it being rather late in the night. 

I walk through the doors of the mall and I'm greeted by bright colors and laughing teens. To my surprise, the mall is absolutely packed. I didn't even think there were this many people in Hawkins in the first place.

I shake my head, trying to come back to reality. I should probably go find Steve and tell him I'm going to need a ride, as I have no clue when he gets off of work.

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