Season 3 - The Bite

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-(Y/n)'s pov-

The alarm continues to blare as I drive our little cart to the elevator. The ground is a bit bumpy as I make my way down the long hallway as quickly as possible.

"Jesus, slow down!" Steve slurs from the back of the cart with Robin.

"Yeah, what is this, the Indy 500?" Robin agrees.

"It's the Indy 300."

"No, dingus! It's 500!"

"It's 300!"

"Let's say a million."

Steve and Robin both break out in uncontrollable laughter.

"What is wrong with them?" Erica asks me.

"I don't know," I reply, trying to keep my eyes ahead of me while driving.

"(Y/n), watch out!"

"Shit!" I scream looking at a bunch of metal containers, bracing for impact, putting my arm in front of Erica and Dustin in the seat next to me.

We slam into the containers and I catch myself and the kids. However, the duo in the back slam into the metal dividing the seats and the 'trunk'.

"Oh!" Steve groans behind me.

Dustin turns around to him, "You guys alright back there?"

They both groan in response. Erica and I look at him.

"They're fine," he states.

We all hop out of the front and open up the back of the cart.

"Come on. We gotta go, now," Dustin tells the Scoops Ahoy employees as they lay on their backs in agony.

"Come on! Get out!"

"Let's go!"

Dustin and Erica both yell at the pair as I roll my eyes. I push them out of the way and grab Steve's leg, yanking him out of the trunk. The kids do the same with Robin.

"Ow!" Steve exclaims, "We're coming!"

Dustin walks up to the elevator, the card we stole from the Russian earlier in his hand, "Here goes nothin'."

"This sucks," Steve complains as Dustin enters the card into the slot, it gives a green light in response.

"Let's go!"

I push Steve and Robin into the elevator, Erica following behind me. Once we're in, Dustin presses some buttons to go up. 

The elevator starts to rise rapidly, and before I realize it, Steve is on a cart with Robin pulling him back and forth, both of them whooping.

"Hey! You look like you're surfing!" Robin laughs.

"Surfing! Yeah! Whoa!" Steve laughs back at her.

"They seem drunk," Erica states at my side.

"Why would they be drunk?" Dustin retaliates as I keep watching my brother pretend to surf.

"I'm a natural! Check it out!" Steve yells.

Robin suddenly pulls the cart Steve was standing on backward, making him fall to the floor face first.


They both continue to laugh and I go crouch next to Steve, putting my hand up to his forehead.

"He's burning up," I tell the only other sane people in the room.

"You're burning up," Steve mocks me.

"One sec, one sec. Steve, Steve."

"God, no," Steve whines, while I try to open his eye wider, "Ow!"

There's Two of You? - Robin Buckley x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now