Season 3 - The Mall Rats

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-(Y/n)'s pov-

Yet again, it is another day of spending all my time at this mall. I don't even have money to spend anymore, but it's better than sitting in my room all day. I'm becoming better friends with Robin, and the more I get talking to Steve, the more I realize we act really similar.

I'm sitting in the back of Scoops Ahoy once again but with Steve this time. Robin reluctantly went back to scooping ice cream and taking orders when Steve told her it was time for his break.

"So is this a nice job? Like, do you mind working here?" I ask Steve, trying to make conversation.

"Eh, it's not terrible. The worst part about it is this damn uniform."

I try to stifle a laugh, "I don't know what you mean there, pal. That uniform is pretty great if you ask me."

Steve rolls his eyes and goes back to twiddling his thumbs.

The room once again fills with silence. How fun.

"I don't know, maybe I should try and apply he-" I start, however, Steve cuts me off.

"Hey, shush," He raises his hand as if to quiet me and lifts his head up a bit.

I roll my eyes at him, "If you don't wanna talk just tell me-"

"Shush! I'm listening!"

Steve jumps out of his chair and runs to the door, me hot on his trail.

He opens the door and stops in his tracks, almost making me bump into him, "Henderson!"

I look past him to see a boy, younger than me, standing at the counter in front of Robin. He looks over to Steve and starts laughing.

Steve makes his way towards the boy and I walk up next to Robin looking at her with an expression that I can only explain as a 'What the fuck is happening' face.

She shrugs her shoulders as Steve continues to say what I'm assuming is the boy's last name as he repeatedly jumps in the air.

"He's back!" Steve looks over to Robin, and she looks over at the boy with nothing but confusion plastered across her face.

"I'm back!" The boy agrees with Steve, "You got the job!"

"I got the job!" Steve repeats triumphantly as he starts playing a fake trumpet.

Then he and the kid start doing this weird handshake. It starts off pretty normal with them doing a handshake into a fist bump, but it just goes downhill from there. 

Suddenly, they start imitating lightsabers and pretend to fight each other, making noises as they do so. This horrible scene in front of me finally stops as the boy pretends to stab my brother and he goes along with it, pretending his guts are spilling out.

They laugh back and forth with each other before Robin jumps in, "How many children are you friends with?"

I laugh, covering my mouth, as Steve moves his hand towards her as if to say, 'This is what I have to work with'.

"So, Steve, who is this?" I ask, as he clearly has some bond with him.

The boy looks at me with, what I would call a toothy grin, if he had any front teeth that is, "I'm Dustin Henderson! Who are you?"

I look him up and down and then look back to Steve, "I'm (Y/n). Harrington..." I say the last name slowly not knowing whether or not I should just let this kid know who I fully am.

Dustin looks at me with wide eyes and snaps his head at Steve, "Wait, did you get married?"

If I were drinking water, I would've spit it out right then and there. Robin cackles next to me and I elbow her in the ribs.

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