Season 3 - E Pluribus Unum

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-(Y/n)'s pov-

"The gate," I hear Dustin and Steve whisper together.

"What do you mean gate?"

They both look over to me and start shooing us toward the room we were originally in.

"It's a gate."

We start heading down the stairs, Erica more eagerly than the rest of us.

"I don't understand. You've seen this before?" Robin asks the pair.

"Not exactly," Steve remarks.

"Then what, exactly?"

"All you need to know is it's bad," Dustin chimes in.

"It's really bad," Steve agrees.

Dustin nods, "Like end-of-the-human-race-as-we-know-it kind of bad."

"And you know about this how?" I ask, grabbing his shoulder.

"Um, Steve? Where's your Russian friend?" Erica asks, an eyebrow raised.

We all look to the floor where the Russian once laid down as an alarm starts blaring.

Steve runs to the door, "Shit."

He opens the door and looks out, not even trying to hide.

"Halt! Halt!" I hear from outside the door, before Steve slams it shut.

"Shit. Go, go, go, go, go!"

Steve rushes us towards the stairs once again as Dustin cusses. We rush up the stairs and Dustin runs to the door where we saw the 'gate', opening it.

Is he fucking stupid?

We all run in as the Russians turn towards us.

"Go! Shit! Shit, shit, shit!" Steve keeps yelling at us.

Dustin runs towards the left and we follow closely behind. We run along this pathway, Dustin screeching and pushing people out of the way. He gets to a stop as we're right next to the large laser thing.

Dustin keeps repeating 'holy shit' over and over as we all contemplate our next move. The guards start running towards us.

"Guards! Go!" Erica screams.

Steve looks down and sees some stairs, "This way!"

Steve shoves a hazmat-suited Russian out of the way and we all follow him down. Half of us are screaming random things in a wild panic. Steve pushes three metal containers on some guards and we keep running straight. We run through another door, looking behind us as we're being closely followed.

Steve stays at the door and puts all of his weight against it, Russians pounding on the door behind him trying to get in. Robin runs up to him and helps him keep the door closed.

"Here! Come on, let's go!" Erica screams, pulling up on a grate.

"Come on!" Dustin yells to the pair holding the door closed.

Steve struggles against the door, "Go! Just get out of here!"

"Go, come on! Now!" I scream at him.

He turns back to me, "No! Just go get some help, okay?"

Dustin hops down into the hole in the floor the grate was covering, Erica already being in there.

I hesitate for a second and look at the pair.

"What are you doing?" Steve screams.

"Go!" They both yell, looking at me.

"Don't die on me, okay?" I tell them, trying to make my genuine concern seem like a joke.

There's Two of You? - Robin Buckley x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now