1 - Can I Have a Pencil?

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First Person POV
I had been going to North Denver Middle School for a month now, it's a real pain for me, it's just plain boring and I practically sleep through every class. I manage to keep decent grades but lately I've been falling behind.

I sat down in my first class of the day and I sighed observing the environment around me. I sat on the left side of the classroom near the window while there was always this boy who sat behind me with long black hair.

The teacher for this first period approaches me saying, "Please refrain from falling asleep in this class or this will result in consequences such as detention."

I nod to him but not making eye contact and instead staring at my desk and he walks off to the front of the classroom and starts class with simple standard math as some students walk in and sit down, hurriedly scrambling to get their supplies out.

     5 Minutes Later

I yawn while covering my mouth and I feel my eyelids start to get heavy but before I feel the sweet release of shutting my eyelids, a gentle hand taps my shoulder and I turn around rubbing my eyes. I'm met the boy who always sat behind me, his dark brown, almost black eyes staring into mine.

"Hey! Do you have a spare pencil I could use?" the boy said to me very, very, energetically. It's like 8 in the morning, I don't understand how he could be so optimistic at this hellish time of day.

I turned back around digging through my desk and pencil case until I found a decent pencil I could give him that wasn't 1 centimeter and sharpened to the absolute core, finally I turn back around to give him a pencil and he reaches out for it causing our hands brushing against each other and it felt like static shock. He takes it, sets it down and looks back to me and smiles saying "Thanks."

I nod to him whispering, "You owe me one." smiling and when I turn back around the teacher looks to us and says, "[Name], Bruce, do you something important you want to share with the whole class?"

The boy who's name was unknown to me but now I know is Bruce said to him, "Uh no sir, I'm sorry I just asked for a pencil and didn't mean to disturb your class."

The teacher raised an eyebrow and looked to me and in response I said to him, "What he said.." while pointing to Bruce behind me and it was silent for a bit while everyone looked at the two of us.

"..sir." The teacher nodded slowly with his eyebrow raised but nevertheless, continued his math lesson and the silence fled while Bruce just seemed to try to stifle his laughs, covering his mouth while shifting in his seat, seeming for it to be uncontrollable.

After 1st Period

I walk out of class and see Gwen, trying to catch up with her.

"Gwen!" I yell out to her and she turns around, looks around to see who called out her name and when she catches my eye her smiles lights up and she squeezes through people to reach me.

"Hey [Name]." she breathes out holding her chest to emphasize the struggle she had to go through to squeeze through everyone.

I laugh to her and explain how the math teacher is a total ass.

"Yeah so you know how this guy sits behind me, the one with the black hair."

"Yeahhhh." Gwen says, dragging it out while nodding, looking at me while we walk the halls to our next class which is together.

"Well he had asked me for a pencil and I gave him one and then when I gave him one and he said thanks and all that and I said that he owes me one and the math teacher was like '[Name], Bruce, is there uh anything you'd like to share with the class?' I say in a poor impersonation to the math teacher. Gwen laughs at my impersonation, but I know she wishes she could imitate him like me and I softly push her in response to her laughing.

"So then what?"

"I learned his name is Bruce and-"

"Brucee, Brucee, Brucee~" Gwen starts making kissing sounds and imitates it with her hands and I laugh while softly shoving her and she continues as we stumble around the halls laughing together.

"Oh, [Name] do you have a pencil~" she says in a weird impression of a manly voice and I laugh again.

I put my hand over her mouth and we face each other.

"I swear if you say or do that again, I'm shoving you to the ground."

"Yeah, yeah well I just know everyone thought it if it was that silent." she says to me smiling and nodding with raised eyebrows.

I give her a joking 'whatever' look and we both walk into science.

Time Skip to the End of the School Day

After the school day had ended Gwen and I walked out the double doors laughing about stuff that happened throughout the day and we see Finney and walks up to us.

Honestly I never really knew or talked to Finney, he seems cool but we don't talk even if I'm friends with Gwen. Gwen would insist that we should cause' we'd 'get along' but it just seems awkward when it's just us together.

For instance, there was this time when I was at their house and we all watched a movie together but Gwen had to go to the bathroom so we paused the movie and it was just Finney and I, sitting in deafening silence. We both seemed scared to make any sudden movements so we just sat on the couch side-eyeing each other occasionally.

But back to the present. As always Gwenny and Finney walked home together, while sometimes Robin and I would walk home together. Robin and I had been friends but the thing is we didn't have much classes together, he would always insist to walk me home and it was sweet because we'd always have each others backs growing up. I looked for Robin but I feel a pair of hands my shoulders.


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