14. Ms. Yuki

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He walked up the steep steps to her porch. He opened the outside door and stepped in. The room was blue, floor and walls. The floor was plain. A table and couch sat to the right while a cluttered table, christmas tree, and chair were on his left. He put his umbrella next to the outside door and approached the actual entrance to the house. A lace-like curtain was over the glass doors and he couldn't see inside. 

He knocked. "Come in!" Ms. Yuki yelled from inside. He pushed the door open and shut it behind him. He had stepped into a living room with tan carpet and black pleather chairs. The couch was brown and faded and had a crochet blanket ontop. A small TV sat in the corner. Directly infront of him was the arched doorway that led to the kitchen. 

He put his hand on the doorframe and looked inside. It hadn't changed. An airplane mobile hanging from one of the vents. The large dining table that took up most of the room. A shelf in the corner that was covered with vodka and pill bottles. And, of course, Ms. Yuki herself. She fit right in with her array of strange things. Her salt and pepper hair was tied in a bun. She was mixing something with a wooden spoon. 

"Wow Ms. Yuki. You look the same." 

She looked up. "You do too Jackson. You're just taller. Or maybe I'm shorter. Or maybe both." She shrugged and set her spoon down on the counter. She wrapped her arms around him. "Either way, it feels like it's been a while. Come sit down. Let's talk." 

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