Background Info

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Before i start, I just want to add in some background info so you don't get confused.

Part of the plot in this story is JK Rowling's. The characters are not mine, They are Rick riordan's and JK Rowling. I wont repeat this in every chapter so be warned.

Takes place during the half blood prince.

Ginny x dean

Chiron will be teaching DADA along with Snape so they will be splitting their classes.

None of the wizards will be demigods like Snape, Luna, Neville, Hermione, etc.

Harry will not be an annoying git.
Ron will not follow harry like a lost puppy.
Hermione will be the know it all who is jealous of Annabeth and likes Percy.

the demigods who are sent is Frank, Percy, Hazel and Annabeth. None will be coming along the way.

Ok i thinks that's all let us begin

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