Going to Find The First Horcrux

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Percy pov
"So, did you get it?" I was waiting for Harry the night he took the liquid luck. He was taking an extremely long time, it was nearly 1am. "Yes, you'll never guess what I found, Dumbledore already seen it," "Well, it'll have to wait till tomorrow, I'm exhaus-," I fell on my bed with a thud.

"So Ginny and Dean split, eh?" I said after successfully turning my vinegar to wine after my first try. "Yes," said Hermione, staring at me. I pulled Annabeth in for a kiss. "So Harry told you about what happened last night, then," asked Annabeth, direction her question to Ron. "Yeah, you were right," Ron said. Hermione scowled.

After an excellent quidditch practice,(I was there since Hazel insisted on seeing frank, and Annabeth decided to accompany her, and i had nothing else to do) i asked harry about when he was going to find the horcruxes with Dumbledore. "Dunno, when he gets a clue on where one is i s'pose," He spotted Ginny and ran to walk her back to the castle.

Third pov
Timeskip to after the great fight of crying malfoy
"I won't say i told you so," said Hermione. Percy looked up at her. She grinned at him, but then it flattered once she saw the expression on his face. "Well, you would like Harry to get cursed, didn't you," he said. Water then started brewing on top of Hermione's head. "W-What's happening?" Annabeth put an arm around Percy. "Sorry, it happens when I'm mad, I'm good at water magic and it usually responds to my mood,"

"So you'll go looking for the Hocrux, right?" Percy cornered Harry as he was walking to Dumbledores office. "Uh- yeah," "Well,I'm going to, i also got an invitation," He waved around a scroll similar to Harry's. "Well, we better hurry, then," he said." I ran into professor Trelawney before I met you, by the way," said Percy. He told Harry about what happened. "Well, I'm certain that that celebrating voice is Mafloy, and about the time that they were interrupted by professor Snape, he must have told Voldermont about it, killing my parents!  Percy frowned, then nodded. "Possible, maybe-," he trailed of, seeing that they arrived at Dumbledores office. "I have to go tell this to Dumbledore,"

He ran around the corner into Dumbledore's corridor, where the lone gargoyle stood sentry. He shouted the password at the gargoyle, Percy at his heels and ran up the moving spiral staircase three steps at a time. This time Harry didn't knock upon Dumbledore's door, he hammered. 'Enter' Dumbledore said and he flung myself into the room. Dumbledore was standing there, a travelling cloak in his arms.Well, Harry, I promised that you could come with me, i hope you don't mind Percy tagging along"'Come ... with you ... ?' Then it dawned on him on why he was so eager to come here.'You've found one? You've found a Horcrux?' Dumbledore nodded.'Which Horcrux is it?Where is it?"

'I'm not sure which it is - though I think we can rule out the snake - but I believe it to be hidden in a cave on the coast many miles from here, a cave I have been trying to locate for a very long time: the cave in which Tom Riddle once terrorised two children from his orphanage on their annual trip you remember?'

'Yes,' said Harry. 'How is it protected?''I do not know; I have suspicions that may be entirely wrong.'

Dumbledore hesitated, then said, 'Harry, I promised you that you could come with me, and I stand by that prom-ise, but it would be very wrong of me not to warn you that this will be exceedingly dangerous.' 'I'm coming,' said Harry, almost before Dumbledore had finished speaking. Boiling with anger at Snape, his desire to do something desperate and risky had increased tenfold in the last few minutes. This seemed to show on Harry's face, for Dumbledore moved away from the window, and looked more closely at Harry, a slight crease between his silver eyebrows. 'What has happened to you?' 'Nothing,' lied Harry promptly. 'What has upset you?' 'I'm not upset.' 'Harry, you were never a good Occlumens -' The word was the spark that ignited Harry's fury. 'Snape!' he said, very loudly, and Fawkes gave a soft squawk behind them. 'Snape's what's happened! He told Voldemort about the prophecy, it was him, he listened outside the door, Percy said Trevalney told him!' Dumbledore's expression did not change.For a long moment, Dumbledore said nothing. 'When did you find out about this?' he asked at last. 'Just now!' said harry, who was refraining from yelling with enormous difficulty. And then, suddenly, he could not stop himself. 'AND YOU LET HIM TEACH HERE AND HE TOLD VOLDEMORT TO GO AFTER MY MUM AND DAD!' Breathing hard as though he were fighting, Harry turned away from Dumbledore, who still had not moved a muscle, and paced up and down the study, rubbing his knuckles in his hand and exercising every last bit of restraint to prevent himself knocking things over.

He wanted to rage and storm at Dumbledore, but he also wanted to go with him to try and destroy the Horcrux; he wanted to tell him that he was a fool-ish old man for trusting Snape, but he was terrified that Dumbledore would not take him along unless he mastered his anger ...'

Percy settled down on one of the comfiest armchairs, thinking that this would be a very long argument.

'Enough,' said Dumbledore. He said it quite calmly, and yet Harry fell silent at once; he knew that he had finally crossed some invisible line. Percy jolted awake, for he had fallen asleep.' Harry was afraid that ruined his chance of accompanying Dumbledore, but Dumbledore went on, 'Do you wish to come with me tonight?' 'Yes,' said Harry at once.

'Very well, then: listen.' Dumbledore drew himself up to his full height. 'I take you with me on one condition: that you obey any command I might give you at once, and without question.' 'Of course.' 'Be sure to understand me, Harry. I mean that you must follow even such orders as "run", "hide" or "go back". Do I have your word?''I - yes, of course.' 'If i tell you to hide, you will do so?' 'Yes.' "Percy, make sure that he follows my commands. Harry, follow percy, he is good with the water," 'If I tell you to leave me, and save yourself, you will do as I tell you?' 'Yes, sir.' 'Very good. Then I wish you to go and fetch your Cloak and meet me in the Entrance Hall in five minutes' time.Percy, i wish to have a talk with you,'

A/N so i cut of any important scenes, but I didn't want to miss the final battle so bear with me pls as i make the teaks to some chapters and incude percy and obviously make them shorter

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