The Sorting

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Percy pov
I must have looked happy that Chiron was here, because Harley, sorry, Harry asked "Why do you look so happy?" "Oh, Chiron teaches us at our school and we didn't know he would be here," replied Annabeth smoothly. Then the guy called Ron asked, "Why you sitting here, anyway? Your supposed to do the sorting.." as if on cue, Dumbledore stood up and announced, "There are some exchange students from America, who are sitting at the Gryffindor table, and they will be sorted right now," Professor McGonagall produced the sorting hat and the stool. "Line up here, please," she said. i stood up and shuffled into a line behind the others.

"Chase, Annabeth," McGonagall announced. She sat on the stool and the hat was placed on her head. "Gryffindor!" It announced after a few moments. "Jackson, Perseus," I sat down and professor- what's-her-name placed the hat on my head.

"Hm, lets see. A half-blood, never had one of you for a long time now,a peek through your memories, shall we? My life flashed before my eyes. "Very good, now very loyal, good for hufflepuff, ambitious as well, qualifiable for slytherin, quite smart, so fine for ravenclaw, but extremely brave, so you better be in GRYFFINDOR!" the hat announced its last word to the whole hall. The Gryffindor table burst into applause, and i sat down next to Annabeth. Frank and hazel soon joined us and we were dismissed.

Harry pov
The next morning I got my timetable and compared it to the Americans. Surprising, they had the same timetable as Ron and I. We headed of to Defence against Dark Arts, where Snape was giving us a hard time, as usual. He tried to jinx the Americans, but they reacted brilliantly, using non verbal spells so strong that it sent Snape flying to the wall and a bookshelf crashing down behind him. after that scene, even Snape giving me detention couldn't lift my spirts, until it occurred to me that the Americans might be death eaters. "So, do you know snape from somewhere?" Asked Hermione, obviously thinking the same thing as i was.  I had filled them in on my suspicion. "No, but first impression is he is an annoying git," Percy announced. We headed to potions. I grabbed a old and dog-eared book from the cupboard.The book included some very nice tips and I followed his instructions and gasped. It actually was like the potion described in the book and Slughorn's instructions! The end of the lesson came, and i smirked at Malfoys disappointed look when Slughorn just gave his cauldron a stir and walked pass. His eyes lit up when he saw my potion. "Ah, the clear winner..." he trailed of as he spotted Percy's cauldron. Then Annabeth's. Then Hazel's. Then Frank's.

"Well, i have never seen a class with this much amazing potioneers! All of you are tied, here is a bottle of Felix Felicis for each of you, as promised. He handed me the bottle.

Hermione scowled at the Americans. We were at the common rom after i told her what happened, and she was extremely frustrated she couldn't get any jinxes out of it. She was even more disgruntled when she sneaked a look at the Americans book and found out they had normal, new books. The Americans were just talking about something. "I suggest we go closer to look, they might be talking about some death eater plan or something," "you didn't seem this interested when Harry first told you about his suspicions, you just want to know what their up to because their better at lessons!" Said Ron. "Hermione simply hit him with a scroll of parchment and snuck closer to the Americans. When she returned, she had a very frustrated look on her face. They are talking about some language i don't know, I'll go look at the library and.. oh right, I've been meaning to look for some info on this "Hacate's school of Magic," she sprinted of. "So, that language is Greek and i found info about that school. It's pretty normal actually," "Then why do you look so frustrated?" "Well, if they are death eaters, there wouldn't be any of that school, right?" "Yeah, but.." I sighed, wanting to go upstairs and sleep.I checked the time and gasped.

1am. "Blimey, Ron, lets get to bed,"
Ron scurried after me, grateful for an excuse to stay as far away from frustrated Hermione as possible.

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