•° chapter 3 °•

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Steve pov

The bell goes off and we walk our separate ways to our next lesson. I have music next, I absolutely suck at music. I normally have robin to help me but we have different lessons this year, I've got to step up my game if I want to graduate this year...

I walk into the classroom and look around, it looks like I was the last one there, there was only one seat left...
Next to Eddie 'the freak' Munson, I reluctantly sit next to him and roll my eyes, why do I have to sit next to this dick?

"Hey Harrington?" Eddie said smirking

"What, freak?" I say

"Do you want to go to dinner with me and nance?" Eddie said still smirking

This hit me like a bullet, he knew I liked Nancy... He was trying to rub it in my face aswell, trying to make me the third wheel, but I won't let that happen, I'll make sure of that

"Sure." I say with no emotion

Eddie looked at me shocked but then looked at me suspiciously, he must have known I wouldn't have agreed without a plan.

The teacher walks in and the rest of the lesson continues silently untill the bell rings.

Everyone runs out of the classroom and into the crowded halls.

I go into the bathroom and see someone in the corner, it looked like they were smoking some sort of drug, I take a look to see who it is and it is Eddie Munson. What a surprise.

"What are you doing here?" I asked him with my arms folded

"Well if it wasn't obvious Harrington, I was smoking weed" he said with a grin

"Oh haha. Very funny" I said rolling my eyes

As he blew the smoke out of his mouth, he tilted is head up, you could see how refined his jaw looked, and how badass he looked... Why am I giving compliments to the person who literally stole my crush?

"You probably shouldn't do it in a bathroom though dingus-" I said, then realising I'm starting to sound like robin.

"Hey! Who's in here? I heard voices and the bell has gone!" A teacher called out, Eddie grabbed my hand and pulled my into a stall with him, our chest pressed together as I felt his breathing on my neck , it sent shudders down my spine. My face went bright pink and my heart starting to beat quicker, I'm sure eddie heard because he looked up to see my face, a smirk grew on his face seeing me all flustered, this is exactly what he wanted, to see me weak and embarrassed.

As soon as I heard the footsteps fade I pushed Eddie off me and took in deep breaths

"Wow, who would of guessed Steve Harrington gets so nervous being touched?" He said teasing me

Actually, I had never acted like this before when anyone touched me, not even Nancy... It was wierd but I'm sure it's just because his breath on my neck tickled...

"Anyway, I'm gonna go check on nance, you can keep on fanboying over my touch" he said raising his hand just above his head and walking our of the toilets

I sat there for a while, trying to realize what just happened, then I remembered I was late for class and I panicked, I then thought there's no point of going now so I might aswell skip school... I'll come back to pick up robin though... I just need some time to myself

I then remembered about the group dinner they were having and I drove home and got dressed into some blue jeans and one of his many Polo shirts.

He spent half an hour on his hair and then checked the time, he still had 20 minutes before he had to go, so he sat on the couch and watched a random show on TV

A couple minutes later he looked at his watch and decided it was time to go, he got in the car, started the engine and drove to that dinner they were eating at,

He saw Eddie and Nancy flirting with eachother, though Eddie looked like he was forcing it out, what a terrible boyfriend...

I walked over to them, hey Eddie, hey nance!" I say enthusiastically trying to get her attention away from eddie

"Oh hey Steve!" She said back smiling

"Let's go get some food!" I said toward Nancy and we walked into the dinner together while eddie followed behind, he didn't seem all  that bothered that I was talking to Nancy and that somehow made me more mad, he didn't even love Nancy and was dating her just to see me crumble...

We sat at a table were Eddie and Nancy were next to eachother and I was facing Nancy

A waiter came up to us and asked us for our orders, we told her our orders and waited for the food to be made.

Eddie smoothly nuts his arm around Nancy making her blush, I see this and my confidence drops a little...

"Soo, how did Eddie ask you out?" I ask Nancy trying to keep a smile on my face.

"Oh! Well I outside in the dark one night, I was drunk and hadn't a clue where I was going, and eddie helped me by bringing me to his trailer, after I had sobered up the next morning, he said he had to talk to me, he said that he had a big crush on me for a long time now and said that it was completely understandable if I didn't like him back, I had actually liked him for a while now so it was perfect, I ended up kissing him and that's how our relationship started!" She stated and then kissed Eddies cheek, he didn't blush, he didn't even look happy, more ... Disgusted by Nancy? I mean I know he doesn't like her but to be disgusted? It seems like he doesn't even like wom- no it's not right to make assumptions...

Our meal came and we all sat down and enjoyed it, when everyone had finished there meal, I thanked Nancy for letting me come, even though Eddie invited me.

I smiled at her sweetly and saw a tiny of blush, it may have been because of the cold weather but I'll take it!

I walked away waving my arms and leaving Eddie and Nancy together... I think I've found a way to win this battle, and I'm going to take it...


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