~{ chapter 4 }~

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Eddie POV

As Steve walked away, me and Nancy walk over to her car, we got in and she drove me to my trailer

"Goodnight babe!" She called from the car as I walked towards my trailer

"You too..." I call raising my hand

The truth is... I don't like Nancy, I don't like women. I am only doing this to mess with Steve and people won't call me a fag if I'm dating a girl, so it's a win-win situation

I head inside and lay on my bed... Someone calls from the telephone, I pick it up and answer it.

"Hello?" I say to the person on the other end of the phone

"Eddie! Come to mike's house right now!" Dustin said desperately through the phone

"Ok ok!" I roll my eyes and end the phone call

I look outside to see Nancy is still there for some reason... I walk outside and walk over to Nancy

"Can you take me back to your place?" I asked politely

"U-um, I don't think I'm ready for that..." She said thinking about something completely different to what I meant.

"Oh! No I don't mean that... I wanted to get to know your brother better since he's in my club and he is your family...?" I said as an excuse that wasn't very believable but I knew she would believe me

"Oh... Yea, I can take you" she said starting the car

"Get in!"

I run over to the other side of the car and get in, Nancy pulls out of the trailer park and drives down to her house, when we arrive I quickly get out of the car, I give Nancy a pat on the head and walk in and down into the basement of the house

I see Mike, will, Dustin and Lucas there

"Why do I have to be here?" I asked crossing my arms

"Umm, well.." Dustin began

"We need you to become friends with steve-" Mike finished for him

"What!? Why!?" Eddie protested

"Umm, we have have two adults come with us for the plan to work.." will said shyly

"And this plan is..?" Eddie said unamused

"Umm- we need to get Steve to go and seduce one of the women in the club-" Dustin spoke

"A club!? And why does he need to seduce someone? Why do I have to come!?" I questioned

"Well we're not sure what her type is and your flirty, she works at a club and she some information about were el is.." Mike spoke

"The superhero girl?" I questioned

"Yep." Lucas spoke

"Ok.. ok.. but just don't tell Nancy about this alright?" I said after sighing

"Why?" Mike said confused

"You don't know? In dating your sister." Eddie said kind of surprised

"But she's dating Johnathan...?" Mike said even more confused

"Wait...what?" I said shocked

"Yea, she called him last night..." Mike said nodding his head

"Wow... What a bitch..." I said smirking

"Aren't you sad?" Will said kind of surprised by my reaction

"No... I didn't really like her anyway, I was just using her to get at Steve, but know that I know she is dating Johnathan, I will do everything in my power to stop Steve from dating her, shell probably cheat on me with him aswell..." I said with my hand around my chin.

"We will help you, even though she isn't sister, Steve is like a mother to me..." Mike said shocking everyone

"Anyway... Ill try become friends with him.." I say rolling my eyes

"Good, now let's try find el!" Dustin spoke raising his arm in the air and everyone cheering


I know Nancy is not mean and I don't think she is I just made her like this for the storyline
Also el had disappeared in this fanfic and they were trying to find her.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 27, 2022 ⏰

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