helpful findings

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The store was cold and lifeless, the perfect environment for shoplifting. Estelle gracefully drifted through the aisles, picking up everything she could get her small hands on. Bread, water, sweets, anything to settle the hunger that she would likely feel that night after a particularly rough argument with her aunt, the less than attentive employee made her job a lot easier.

She was so in her element that she didn't notice the bell ring and Lucy Pevensie racing around the shop floor, desperately trying to locate her second sister.
"Stell! we need to go now! it's Peter!"
Before she could even process what was happening, Estelle was dragged out of the shop, dropping her haul on the way. Well, she will definitely be hungry tonight, she thought.

An ear shattering honk pulled her from her mind.
"Watch where you're going!" a driver bellowed as she was being cluelessly dragged through the populated streets by an urgent Lucy. She had gotten the train to school with the Pevensie's ever since their water fight in the park, gladly saving her legs the strain from the usually long walk.
"I'm sorry" both girls shouted in unison, although not genuinely.

From the distance, the familiar figure of Susan could be made out talking to a boy draped in a Hendon House uniform.

"Susan!" "You'd better come quick!"
Not wasting a second, the girl ended her conversation abruptly.

"And who was that?" Estelle teased almost instantly after the boy was out of ear shot, noticing how Susan was clearly disinterested with him.
"oh shut up"

The girls found themselves shoving through a crowd in the train station, watching over as a dazed Peter attempted to take on two other boys. With a flash of dark hair and a warning from Lucy, Edmund had soon enough joined in with the brawl.

"oh for christs sake-" the Amore girl complained as she tried, and failed, to grab ahold of the boy's shirt.

Peter was shoved into the wall as he frantically kicked at his attacker whilst Edmund had the other pinned onto the floor, before he had chance to lower his fist onto the boy, a cacophony of whistles and screams brought a sudden end to the fight.
"Act your age!".

"You're welcome" the girls could just about make out as they hurriedly made their way over to the two brothers.
"I had it sorted"

Estelle smacked Edmunds arm for his involvement and quickly began checking him over for injuries. The two had become almost inseparable in the few months they had known each other and so she was more than used to his impulsive behaviour landing him in trouble with a number of scars to show it. Once she concluded that Edmund was unharmed, she made her way over to Peter and repeated the process, making sure to add a stronger force behind her punch to let him know of her disappointment.

"What was it this time?" Susan questioned
"He bumped me" Peter answered with his head held low.
"So you hit him?"
"No. After he bumped me he tried to get me to apologise, that's when I hit him"

"Why can't you just walk away" the girl sounded tired, it was true, Peter had been having a tough time recently because of reasons unknown to Estelle ,which landed him in a lot of fights with anyone and everyone in his way.

"I shouldn't have to!"
"Pete-" Estelle tried to reason, unsuccessfully.
"Don't you ever get tired of being treated like a kid?"
"Uh- we are kids" Edmund argued, Estelle gestured towards him in agreement.
"Well I wasn't always. it's been a year, how long does he expect us to wait?"

"I think it's time to accept the fact that we live here now, there's no use pretending any different" Estelle fired a confused look at Susan, hoping for an explanation, however she was met only with a shrug. What does he mean 'he wasn't always'?

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