old lords and swords

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Each person quickly became occupied with opposition and Estelle had just about managed to free herself from a guards grasp until a loud shriek broke them all from their responsibilities.
"Unless you want to hear this one squeal like a girl again, I'd say you should drop your weapons."
"Like a girl?!"
They all lowered, and eventually released their weapons hesitantly.
"Eustace." Edmund spat.

A feeling of mutual annoyance flooded the air as the boy had failed at his one job and had subsequently put them all in danger.
"Put them in iron."
The guard that Estelle was previously fighting, pulled her by the hair and back into his grip, tightening metal restraints to her small wrists. She'd fought against it with everything in her but her lack of self care meant that her muscles were weak and malnourished.
"Let's take these three to the market. Send those two to the dungeons."

The sight of his Stella tied up was enough to make Caspian's insides twist with rage. He promised himself that he wouldn't let anything bad happen to her, and yet the iron hanging on his wrists had prevented him from doing anything to stop what was about to happen.
"Listen to me, you insolent fool! I am your King!" He'd hoped that his words could strike some mercy into the men, to no avail.
Edmund spat at his captor, and in return received a harsh slap to his cheek.
"You're going to pay for that!" He threatened.
"Actually, someone else is going to pay, for all of you." The man laughed.

Lucy cried out for her older brother and Eustace screamed, whilst Estelle remained silent. She was paralysed with fear but refused to let it show. These men didn't deserve the satisfaction.
"Estelle!" Edmund shouted, concerned by his friends lack of will to fight for her life.
"Stella! I'll find you! I promise!" She clenched her eyes shut, Caspian's pained voice had caused tears to prick at her eyes. When she opened them, she was chained against a wall, separated from her two companions.
"Lucy? Eustace?"
No response.

Suddenly she was unchained and dragged upon a stage, overlooking a crowd of rugged looking people. Slave traders. She spotted Lucy to her right, being held by a man with a 'sold' sign hanging from her neck like she was an animal for slaughter.
"Next we have a very beautiful specime-"
He wasn't even able to finish his sentence before a roar of bids penetrated his ears.
"I bid 120!"
"Anymore for the pretty lady?"
She was disgusted that this operation had continued to run for Aslan knows how long, unnoticed by anyone.
"170 final offer!"

A matching sign to the one that Lucy wore was shoved around her neck as she was dragged off the stage and roughly handed over to the man that had paid for her. Her mind fell to her boys. Were they alright? Had these vile excuses for humans hurt them? What if they weren't coming for her? Why was she so dependent on them for her freedom?

Her owner had begun to pull her away when she spotted Eustace on the stage, a cacophony of heckles being thrown his way. He's just a boy.
"I'll take them all off your hands!" was the last thing that she'd heard as they were now too far from the scene to make out the rest. From context clues, she'd understood that Reep and Drinian's men had found them, she was silently praying that they'd see her being taken away, although the thought that they could save at least 2/3 of the teens made her heart rest slightly.

Caspian and Edmund had caught onto the commotion and managed to use their chains to knock their captors unconscious, freeing themselves. It didn't take long for them to join in with the brawls below them.
"Lucy! Where's Estelle?"
"I don't know! A guard took her!"
Cas and Ed shared a look of panic as the former took off to locate her.

Out of the corner of his eye, he caught a gruff man hauling something onto a long boat and bolted over, ignoring his heart threatening to beat out of his chest. As he neared, he could make out that the 'something' was actually a 'someone', possibly the exact someone that he was searching for. He raised his sword and brought it down upon the guard, releasing all of his frustration. The man fell, revealing a young girl, cowering in fear and shielding her head. It wasn't her. He grabbed her hands and reassured the child that he wasn't going to hurt her, telling her to remain still until the attack was over.

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