.Chapter 03.

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I WAS STANDING in the middle of the road, watching a boy walk towards a black van. His blonde curls bounced off his back as he stormed around the block, anger radiating off of him like a dark storm cloud above his head, threatening to open up a downpour any second.

Beside the black van, there was a figure, standing as if it were waiting for the boy, holding a bundle of black balloons.

I woke up in a cold, confused sweat, coming back from my dream realm. That boy, in my dream, was Robert Plant on a Bicycle. I know it for sure. I checked the alarm clock on my nightstand, but it was no use, I haven't set the time on it yet, so it's stuck on a constant 12:35 PM.

It was easy to tell around six or seven, as the cool, Colorado sunlight bled through the broken blinds covering the windows, creating uneven light patterns on the floor and walls.

The house was silent, though, as I krept into the hall, besides the quiet tick, tick, ticktick, tick. Of the clock on the wall of the living room. Emmaline's door was open a crack, so I peered in, to find her sleeping soundly in her new bed, happy and at peace.

"Good morning, Vivian." My mother's voice was just above a whisper behind me, causing me to jump and my lips to release a scream.

I gripped my shirt where my heart would be, in an ettempt to slow my heartrate down. "Jesus, Ma! My heart could have lept out of my chest!"

Ma broke into a fit of laughter, doubling over herself. "You should have seen your face! Priceless."

Rolling my eyes, I tried to suppress the smile that was forming on my lips. "Whatever."

"Well, I'm taking you two to breakfast this morning, and then I thought I'd let you drive around town, and do your own thing, find a group of kids to hang out with," she said after she finally regained the strength to talk without cackling.

I nodded. "Sounds like a plan. I'm going to get dressed."

She either didn't hear me, or chose to ignore me, because she opened Emmaline's door, and shook her awake carefully, trying not to startle her.

I smiled to myself, as I made my way to my door, closing it behind me. As soon as I walked in, my oversized poster of Robert Plant stared at me, and all I could think of was that boy. I'm going to find that boy.

My closet door was a sliding one, so it took up less room. I'd decided, that because today was my first day in town, I was going to wear something nice, so I chose my favorite dress. Short, and green, with a plunging V-neck to a waistband right under my chest, with long, flowing bell-sleeves. I paired it with my best navy vest, my white go-go boots, and tied a matching green scarf into my hair. I don't look like a rocker or pinball master at all, but I like it.

When I walked into the living room, Ma was waiting patiently, smoking a cigarette on the couch. Emmaline was sitting on the floor, cross-legged, playing with an old doll of mine that I'd given her.

"Oh, my beautiful ginger baby!" Ma stood at the sight of me, crushing her cigarette in the plate on the coffee table. She twisted her frail finger around a lock of my hair, smiling warmly.

Ma was a blonde, and so was Emmaline. I was a ginger, and so was my father. Sometimes I wonder, if when my mother looks at me, she sees Dad.

"Thanks, Ma." I returned the smile and pat her shoulders. "Okay, are we ready to go?"

Mom nodded, signed to Emmaline that we were leaving, and helped her off the floor.

The town diner was small, but cute. It reminded me of The Pink Cadillac Diner in Wildwood, which was the best place for milkshakes, open until Midnight. This diner, though, was smaller, and themed red and black, rather than pink and white.

We were seated in a booth, beside a window. The menu was generic, pancakes and omelets, black coffee and orange juice.

"Hey there, sweets." A waitress, tall and thin, dark hair with a white streak tied up into a ponytail, wearing a bright red housewife dress, stood at the end of our table. "What can I get you guys?"

"Hi, um, I'd like the Breakfast Special with a coffee, extra bacon, please." My mother put her arm around Emma. "And she'll have orange juice with mickey mouse pancakes."

The woman nodded and wrote it down on her notepad, then looked back up at me. "And for you?"

"Can I get the chocolate chip Belgium waffles with a water?" I asked, stacking all three of our menus on top of each other.

She nodded and took the menus, smiling. "Of course, I'll get those right out to you."

I stared out the window, watching cars drive by, and people walk the sidewalks. I was starting to doze, when I saw the same blur of curls peddle by.

"Hey," I whispered to myself, standing up.

"Vivian?" Ma asked, furrowing her brow.

I flipped my car keys in my hand, running out of the booth. "I'll be... I'll be right back!"

My mother threw her hands up, confused. "Okay..?"

I was on the road before she could even process what was going down. I kept a steady eye on the boy riding the bike, following him through the streets, until he turned into a plaza with a general store.

Destructively, and without a turn signal, I pulled into the parking lot, parking my car beside his bike as he got off of it, helmetless. I was staring shamelessly. This was most definitely the boy from my dream, and I feared that he was in terrible danger.

The boy glanced over at me, and we locked eyes, daring each other to look away. I don't know who he is, but I am not going to lose.

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