.Chapter 012.

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"BE TEENAGERS?" I giggled, pulling the joint from my lips to hand it to Vance.

His room was plastered in posters of bands like Led Zeppelin, Aerosmith, Black Sabbath, and The Rolling Stones to name a few. His clothes were wadded and thrown about on the floor, his bed unmade, closet door flung open, shoes missing their pairs, on top of the smoke clouding the room despite having an open window.

"I think we're nailing it." Vance grinned, taking a hit. "Sorry this place is a mess, I don't usually have people over."

I shrugged. "No, no, I think it's great. An accurate representation of a rockstar wannabe."

I eyed the white Les Paul guitar leaning against the beside table that had a Epiphone record-eight-track-and-cassette-player.

"I- um. I found out guitar isn't my strong suit." He caught himself, fumbling to explain the unused guitar.

"That's okay," laughing, I took the joint back from him. "Maybe pinball isn't either."

Vance shot me a playful glare and stood up, brushing it off. He thought for a moment as he looked at me, out the window, then back at me. "Vivian, you were literally almost raped, how are you this- this okay with it?"

"I've been through a lot of shit, and three football players thinking they can overpower me is nothing." I said, sitting up on his bed, leaning against the headboard.

Vance shrugged. "I guess."

I pressed the joint against the plate on his bedside table, putting it out. "Next subject,"

"How are you so cool?" Vance blurted, seemingly without a second thought, for his face fell as soon as the words flew out of his excited mouth.

I shook my head. "I'm not that cool, I just have good music taste and great style. Oh- and I have a car."

"Yeah, you have all of those but, like, you're a total badass! You literally just beat up like three football players, and got away with it, might I add. Also, you smoke weed. Weed is cool. You're cool." He said quickly, nearly fumbling over his words.

A heat started to rise in my cheeks that I didn't know was there, and I tilted my head down to hide my growing smile. "Thank you, Vance. You're pretty cool too."

I lifted my head to look at him, his hand was outstretched, dangerously close to my face, and his mouth had fallen slightly open.

"Kids! Dinner!" Vance's mother called from the kitchen, voice drifting smoothly throughout the house.

"I-" he started, mouth closing and hand dropping, before getting up and turning towards the door. "Let's go."

The kitchen, connected to the diningroom, was small, and the walls were covered in painted flowers, the floor green tials. The table was circular and white, with a small green vase missing flowers in the middle.

The table was dressed with three plates, pasta and garlic bread on top. Vance walked over to his mother and kissed her forehead before sitting down.

"Thank you, mom. It looks delicious as always." He said, waiting for me to sit.

I sat and thought. Vance Hopper isn't as tough as he seems. Look at the way he treats his mother. The way he treats you.

"Thank you, Mrs. Hopper." I smiled tightly and began to eat.


Sorry for such a short chapter!!! The next few might be shorter as well, but I hope you understand!

DAZED AND CONFUSED | VANCE HOPPERWhere stories live. Discover now