Chapter 16

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Author's pov

"Hey aunt Mei !" Macau chirped flashing a huge smile to an old lady who was sitting behind the kitchen counter. She seemed like she was in her early fifties.

"Oh young master, you're early today" the kind looking old lady or as Macau addressed her, 'Mei' said. The skin beside her eyes and mouth wrinkled when she smiled.

"The last three classes were cancelled so they let us go home early today" Macau said sitting on a stool infront of the counter and dragging Pete to sit beside him.

"And who is this young man? Ah! I remember now. You're the one Porsche told me about" Mei said recalling Porsche's description, 'a guy  wearing a red sweatshirt' . Mei chuckled shaking her head.

"Okay let me serve your meals" the old lady said getting up from the stool.

The two boys were sitting in silence when they heard a small bark. Both of them whipped their heads to the direction. The sound of small feet hitting the ground became more prominent as they saw a ball of fur running enthusiastically towards them. Its fluffy ears were bouncing while running.

Macau's eyes widened and he smiled so big that Pete wondered if it hurt his cheeks or not. The younger of the two got up from his stool and crouched down to pick up the tiny golden retriever puppy.

The pup licked Macau's chin and neck eagerly a couple of times before barking again. This time it looked like the pup was scolding her human for not informing her about his arrival.

"Hahaha ok ok I'm sorry bub, don't be angry" Macau baby-talked to the pup while stroking behind her ears with one hand. The pup calmed down after a few more barks, like she understood everything her human just said . She snuggled into Macau's hold grumbling softly.

Pete couldn't help but watch the scene with awe. He always had a massive soft spot for baby animals, specially cats and dogs. And he would be lying if he said this little golden baby isn't the fluffiest thing he's ever seen in his 20 years of life. She has the gentlest eyes paired with a black button nose,  four mini paws and a fluffy little tail. Macau sat down on his spot with the puppy still in his lap.

"This is Bella" Macau said grabbing Pete's attention.

"She's beyond adorable" Pete commented.

"And Bella, this is Phi Pete. Say 'hi' " Macau said turning the pup to face Pete. The puppy stared at Pete then let out a soft bark and Pete wanted melt right then and there.

"Hi " Pete said in a soft tone as if talking to a baby. He smiled and extended his hand to scratch the pup behind its ear. The puppy leaned into his hand closing her eyes, clearly enjoying the massage.  When Pete stopped she opened her eyes and barked in a scolding manner while wagging her tiny tail aggressively.

"Woah there love! Calm down" Macau tried to hush the pup but she wasn't having anything. She was ready to jump from Macau's lap to Pete.

"Sorry she usually doesn't let anyone near her except me and my brother. This is kind of new. Would you mind holding her ?" Macau asked.

"Of course! I would love to!" Pete said . Macau gave the puppy to Pete who held her to his chest. The puppy licked his neck and cheeks . Pete giggled gleefully . But little did he know someone was boring holes onto his face from afar.

*Drum roll*

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*Drum roll*

This is our fluffy baby Bella !! Look at her lil nose :(

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