Chapter 63

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Author's pov

A dull headache woke Pete up the next morning.


He slowly opened his eyes and the first thing he saw was, Vegas's handsome face. Pete let out a silent scream. Looking around frantically, he realised that they were inside the older's room.


Then he felt the latter's bare torso under his palm . He also realised that they were cuddling and the older's hands were around his waist.

Eh ?

EHHHH ?!!?!

What the fuck happened last night?! The headache was long forgotten as the memories of the previous night came back flooding Pete's head.

He recalled how he had begged the taller man to fuck him, how they made out multiple times and how he lost his virginity.

He thought of Vegas's face when he was thrusting into him. His sweaty hair, clenched jaw and lustful gaze.
Pete still remember how blissful the orgasm had felt. Okay now he was getting carried away.

Pete slipped past Vegas's arms. A shock of pain attacked his lower back when he sat up. The pain made him lean forward. He put his hands above his tail bone and bit his bottom lip to restrict himself from making any sound.

He got off the fluffy bed with wobbly legs and spotted a mirror not far from where he was standing. He waddled towards it to check his state.

His mouth was left open upon seeing the marks littered around his neck and collarbones. Pete's cheeks became pink as he touched them with his fingers. He would hate to admit that they look-

"Pretty, aren't they ?" A husky voice said startling Pete to the max.

"Ahh!" Shrieking, Pete turned around quickly and felt air hitting his.....unclothed ass ?

Wait WHAT ?!!

Why the fuck was he getting so many surprises in the span of ten minutes?!! He just woke up for crying out loud !

Looking down at himself he saw that he was only wearing a black t-shirt, which probably belongs to the older. Good thing, the shirt covered till his mid thighs but he still felt the need to get away from Vegas's eyes.

Pete pulled the hem of the shirt down. Vegas's eyes raked over the younger shamelessly as a lazy smirk appeared on the corner of his lips.
He got up from the bed and Pete's brain short-circuited .

Hot damn ! This is the first time he's seeing Vegas's naked upper body in a sober state. And he would be lying if he said, it wasn't hard for him to look away.

Vegas didn't bother to put on his robe as he made his way towards a mentally unprepared looking Pete.

"Wha-" Pete yelped when Vegas casually threw him over his shoulder and started walking towards his closet.

"W-wait Mr. Vegas- where are you taking me? Put me down please" Pete wiggled in the older's hold. But it stopped when Vegas smacked his ass cheek.

"Stop wiggling" Vegas muttered. His hand stayed on Pete's now hot butt cheek 'to keep the smaller steady' .

Pete was silent till their little journey to the taller's closet.

Vegas put him down once they got inside the huge walk in closet. Pete was in awe and Vegas smiled looking at the younger's big doe eyes.

He rummaged through clothes and finally took out a grey sweatpant.

"Here. Didn't make you wear a pant yesterday, in case your little butt gets irritated" Vegas nonchalantly said handing Petw the garment.

Pete realised two things, this hot motherfucker called his ass 'little' and HE CHANGED HIS CLOTHES YESTERDAY ?!!

Pete realised two things, this hot motherfucker called his ass 'little' and HE CHANGED HIS CLOTHES YESTERDAY ?!!

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BB : Yeah and then she tried to flirt with me and I was this 🤏🏼 close to hit her with a chair...

Bui : Oh what a cursed luck you've got bro....

I don't know what they're discussing but their expressions look so funny 🤣🤣

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