Gathering the people

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None of the characters belong to me!! The all belong to there original creators!!

It was a sad day for the Stark family. while roaming around the tower, Morgan stark discovered a strange room in the tower, one she's never seen before.

"Morgan, honey what are you doin in her-"
She trailed off upon noticing exactly what room her daughter had stumbled into. Pepper hadn't been in this room since Maria had gone missing, it was too painful of a reminder.

She often wondered what kind of woman Maria would have become. Would she have inherited her father's genius? Her mother's patience? Would she have looked more like her or Tony? What type of relationship would she have had with her siblings?

"Mommy!" Morgan exclaimed
"Are you okay mommy?" Morgan asked, noticing that her mother looked sad.
"I'm sorry honey" she said as she slowly knelt down to her daughters height, "it's just-" she sighed and sat down on the floor with her "Friday can you call Tony down here? Tell him it's important"

"Of course boss"

After a minute or two Tony walked in looking troubled. "Pep? What's going on? Is everything okay? Why are you in Maria's room-"
Stopped upon noticing his youngest was present.

"Daddy, who's Maria?" Morgan asked with curiosity.

Tony exchanged a look from his wife, who after a few seconds nodded.

"Morgan honey, you know how Peter and Harley are your big brothers?" Tony asked slightly nervous, how to you tell your daughter that she had an older sister that's possibly dead?

"Yeah! I love petey and har!" Morgan asked looking back and forth between her mom and dad.

Pepper took a breath before finishing for Tony.
"Honey, you have- you had another older sibling, a sister, her name was Maria" she said looking teary eyed.

"What happened to her? Where did she go?" Morgan asked, seemingly confused.

"Well, morgs, she.. uh" Tony trailed off, not sure how to break it to her. Pepper quickly chimed in "we'll tell you when you're older honey, okay?"

"You promise?" Morgan asked slightly disappointed. "Yep! We promise dear" Tony said, shooting a thankful, yet sad look at his wife. Maria was always a sad topic in the stark household.

Just as tony picked up his daughter and helped his wife up to leave the room the three of them disappeared in a flash of blue.


Peter and Harley were messing around in the lab with peters best friend Ned, his and girlfriend MJ .
"Okay you're definitely wrong"
"Peter it's literally my Opinion?? How am I wron-"
"Uh, did harley just disappear?" Peter said with panic in his voice, when the remaining three disappeared leaving no trace.


Rhodey was currently having a meeting (that was going way too long) with Sam, Bucky, Steve, Natasha, Bruce, Clint, and Fury.
When suddenly one by one they all disappeared into a blue light too.


Loki and thor were attempting to teach nebula earthling customs, despite the fact that the barley knew any themselves when the all disappeared in a blue light.


The pack was doing their weekly pack night at the loft. Ever since stiles disappeared, 6 years ago, the pack has been different, everyone missed stiles, as weird as it sounds, she was basically their pack mom, their anchor even, always making sure they were okay no matter what she had going on. Most of them never gave up hope she was okay.

Noah stilinski started burying himself in his work, never forgetting his daughter, even after so many people, including the authorities, stopped looking. Lydia managed to drag him and Parrish to the pack night, even Peter and Chris were there. Suddenly as Lydia stood up to get them some drinks, they all disappeared into a blue light.


The Gladers and other WICKED survivors were rescued from the safe haven by the FBI 3 years ago. They found out that everything WICKED Told them was a lie, that their friends died for nothing except a rouge government agency. They were given the option to find their original families or stay together, funded by the government, as a way of trying to help them integrate back into society.
That's also when Theodosia went missing. No matter where they looked and what they did, no evidence of where she could be was found,
The survivors never stopped looking for their leader and friend.

When newt woke up to find out that Theodosia was gone, that she still thought him dead, he was devastated. Though they never had a chance to talk about how they felt, it was obvious to anyone around them how in love they were.

As they were they were discussing other locations to search for Theodosia more, when the gladers and survivors all disappeared into a blue light


Maya wasn't having a good day. She was tired and annoyed, immediately after coming back from a longer mission, she had a meeting with Stan and Irene.

"So, I trust everything went well and you stopped at med?" Irene asked, knowing she had a tendency to skip going to med for any possible injuries.

Just as Maya was getting ready to answer. Irene, Stan and her disappeared into a blue flash.

Next up: into the theater!!

Hope you enjoy, thank you all so much for all the support I've gotten on this story!!

Also the groups will all be appearing at different times, so it's less chaotic and confusing.

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