Is it too late?

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I don't own any of the characters, they belong to their original creators!!

Bold - talking in Video
Bold italics - actions in video

(Warning, violence will be discussed!!)

Just as the group finished settling, the screen flashed again.

Shows stiles in the rain, "why didn't you tell me?"

"Oh shit." Maya sighed, not wanting to relive this absolute disaster.

The surrounding group shot her questioning looks, newt almost said something, but based off of Theodosia's face, he decided against it.

Pans down to stiles hands, holding a wrench, "I was going to."

On the other side of the room Scott put his head in his hands, knowing what was about to be shown. Was he Too proud to acknowledge that he was wrong? Maybe he was. So, He kept to himself, He was smart enough to know that the pack wouldn't side with him, not when it came to stiles.

Switches to stiles on the phone, appearing stressed, "stiles, are you there?" "Yeah, I'm-"

You could see the exact moment Noah, Jordan and Lydia realized what this was about. Malia threw Scott an angry look too.

Shows Scott in the rain, "why didn't you tell me when it happened?" Shows Donovan, dead. Back to stiles in the rain, "I couldn't."

"You killed that man?" Rogers accused, scandalized, looking over at her. Tony and Noah looked pissed, before Maya could even talk, and before the numerous others in the room could defend her, a slightly unexpected voice chimed in,

"It was self defense." Chris leveled the man with a glare, after all, this was one of his daughters best friends, her family. he wasn't about to let this self righteous asshole try to insert himself into situation he had no place in.

Rogers looked shocked that someone spoke against him, Chris continued "that was a kill or be killed situation. I was actually pretty impressed you handled that as well as you did." He aimed the last part at stiles.

Stan and Irene shared a secret look at that. Maya was always good at surviving those types of situations.

"Thank you, Mr. Argent." Maya sent a slightly pained smile. Maya looked over to the gladers, she wouldn't admit it but, she was worried about what they thought. Only to be met with looks of thinly veiled concern and confidence. One look at them and you could just tell how much they trusted her, it still shocked her how sure of her they were. Newt nodded at her, he understood her. He always did.
As she focused her attention to the rest of the room half of them still looked ready to fight. This was a nightmare.

"What if Scott is my best friend now, but he's not my best friend for life?" Stiles says to Malia.

Scott's head whipped up towards the screen. Was that what she always thought?

Shows stiles talking Scott down, "Scott you're my best friend. I need you."

Scott watched on sadly, that was one of the many times she saved his life. He snuck a glance at his (former) best friend. She looked sad, yet accepting.

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⏰ Last updated: May 10, 2023 ⏰

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