So this is happening

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All characters belong to their original creators, not me!!

Maya didn't respond for a moment after that, seemingly in shock, the man and woman that appeared with her walked closer to her, showing concern and support. Maya just kept staring at the groups of people, who were looking at her with so many different emotions, until-

"Stiles?" Allison said drawling her friends attention to her.

Maya turned immediately, already recognizing the voice, "Ally? What- how are you here?" She said rushing to her old friend and embracing her as tight as she could.

She never thought she'd see Alison again. Alison was probably the death she blamed herself for the most, after the Nogitsune, her nightmares were often involving Alison's death. She never stopped missing her.

"I missed you so much, I'm so sorry" Maya said tearing up slightly, still holding onto her friend tightly.

"I missed you too! More than you know! And don't apologize, okay? It was never your fault"
Alison said pulling back to look her friend in the eyes.

No longer able to contain himself, Newt stepped forward. "Theodosia?"

She turned her head as fast as she possibly could, seeking the voice of the person she constantly thought about since she left the gladers 3 years ago.


"It's me Thea."

That was all she needed before she  launched herself at him, with enough force to knock them both down.

In an act that shocked a few of the surrounding people, Newt gently brought her in for a kiss, to which she enthusiastically responded to.

He hesitantly pulled away "I've been waiting to do that for quite some time."

That earned him a blinding smile "Oh God, I missed you so much."

"Where have you been Thea? We've been looking for you!"

"Wait what? Newt you were- you died?" She asked confused, and now slightly unsure of herself.

"No Thea, you saved me, your blood was on the knife, it healed me." He said smiling and looking up at her with an adoring look.

"Wait no, seriously? You weren't breathing when I-"

"When you went to shucking confront Ava Paige alone? Yeah we're still gonna talk about that greenie." Gally said, walking forward with Minho, interrupting their little moment on the ground.

Upon seeing the other gladers she immediately shot up, almost forgetting to help newt up in the process.

"If it makes you feel any better that confrontation when pretty sideways?"

"Definitely doesn't you shank." Minho said pulling her into a hug,

"I'm so sorry I left-"

He immediately cut her off "No I get it, don't get me wrong i missed you and I wasn't gonna stop trying to find you, But I get it."
After that Gally decided it was his turn for a hug,
"Hey there greenie, hate to admit it, but I missed you."

Don't Blame Me // watching her life  (BEING REWRITTEN)Where stories live. Discover now