43 - the pier

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It was their five year anniversary.

It had been a long and arduous journey to get to where they were today, and although they weren't perfect, they were happy. They were completely secure with each other now, so much so that issues that would've otherwise been difficult to resolve were now confronted with a fluidity that only time—along with unremitting patience—could have granted.

Ali and Sawyer climbed out of their car and walked hand in hand down the long, familiar pier. It was the same pier where they made their original deal, the same pier where she heard him laugh for the first time, the same pier where they had their first kiss, the same pier where he first looked into her eyes, and the same pier where he asked if he could be her boyfriend. Over the years, it had become their go-to spot, ridden with some of their dearest memories.

She plopped down on a bench that perfectly overlooked the waveless ocean and glanced around the empty pier. There were only two other people there besides them, and both the ocean and wind seemed to miraculously be at peace today, which was rare in itself.

Sawyer sat down next to her and let his eyes wash over her for a moment. She was wearing a dress that she bought last week when she went shopping with Marina and Brady, and her skin glowed in the sun in a way that could convince someone that it had only emerged from the clouds for her. When she caught his lingering gaze, she bestowed such an irresistible smile upon him that it unconsciously made one crawl onto his own face.

"Do you remember the first time we went out?" Ali asked him as she thought back to when she had first moved here. "Do you remember that deal we made? No lying to me in exchange for going out with you?"

He nodded.

She paused, her eyes drifting off along with her mind. When she spoke again, her voice was strangely quiet, as if she was only talking to herself. "You could've lied to me about not lying, you know."

"I know."

"So why didn't you?" Ali pressed, averting her gaze from the ocean and returning to him. He met her eyes—endlessly entranced by the battle between green and brown in her irises—and wondered why she had taken so long to bring up the question.

"I guess I'm a sociopath that likes to keep my word," he answered casually.

"Hm," she murmured, obviously discontent with his lacking response.

"Or," Sawyer continued, his voice lowering as well, while she stared at him keenly. "Maybe I'm a sociopath that wanted to know what it felt like to never lie to someone."

A small smile surfaced on her lips. "And? how does it feel?"

"Refreshing," he admitted, and she nudged him enthusiastically, inciting a quiet chuckle from him. "But only because it's with you. I can't promise I'll stop lying to everyone else too."

"I know, I know. I wouldn't ask you to make that big of a change, especially when it's just who you are, right?"

"Yeah. It doesn't bother you sometimes though? I thought it'd be embarrassing at times," he asked her, and she shrugged.

"Obviously I don't think it's good to lie about everything, but... I honestly think it's so interesting what you do. What you're capable of. Is that weird?"

"Yes," Sawyer said honestly; her lips pressed together to form a thin line out of embarrassment. He took her hand and squeezed it gently in an attempt to console her. "Maybe that's why we're so good together, we're both a little screwed up in the head."

"Or," Ali began as she straightened and put her other hand over his with a doll-like smile sprawled across her face. "Maybe the only reason I don't think it's weird is because I'm a sociopath too and I've actually been manipulating you and everyone else this entire time."

They both fell silent for a moment as they stared at each other, his eyes flickering between her eyes and her smile.

Then they burst into laughter.

"Okay, but you have to admit, that'd be a crazy plot twist," Ali said in between laughs, and he nodded.

She continued to chuckle lightly as she looked away from him and towards the ocean, which remained peacefully still. He studied her face, absent of any worries or anxieties and mirroring the serenity of their surroundings. He couldn't believe they've been together for five years already, while simultaneously feeling like it's been much longer. Every day he was with her was a blessing for him, and he only wished to gift her the same amount of happiness and kindness she's gifted him.

"Alice, about that deal we made. I have to confess something," Sawyer suddenly said, catching her attention. "Up until today, I have never lied to you about anything. And I can promise you that was the last time I'll ever lie to you."

Ali furrowed her eyebrows in confusion. "Wait, what did you lie about?"

"I lied about why we're here," he replied, and before she could ask any further questions, he stood from the bench. She warily accepted his hand for help to get on her feet, then threw him a questioning look when she was standing up in front of him.

"These last five years have been the best years of my life, Alice. Genuinely. Ever since my mom died when I was ten, I've lacked some light in my life, until you came along," Sawyer said as he held her hands, a tender smile hanging from his lips and nothing but affection sparkling in his eyes. "We've given each other our all, but I still want to give you more. So much more because what you've selflessly given me has been immeasurable. And I know I struggle with making long-term plans, but I promise you I will commit to this plan if you agree to it."

Ali's eyes widened as Sawyer let go of her hands and slowly bent down on one knee.

"We're not here to celebrate our five year anniversary, Alice."

"Yeah, I'm kind of getting the memo now," Ali said breathlessly, and he laughed lightly.

Sawyer cleared his throat, pulling out a small box from his pocket, before meeting her watery eyes again. "Alice, I love you. I know our relationship hasn't been easy from the very start, but I wouldn't trade it for anything. I promise to care for you and be there for you every day, if you'll let me."

He opened the box, revealing the shining ring inside of it.

"Will you marry me, Alice? Can I please be your husband?"

Ali gazed down at him with wide eyes, stunned. Both of their hearts hammered against their chests as they stared at each other. His eyes momentarily dropped down to her dress when the wind suddenly picked up, causing both her hair and her dress to gracefully flow through the air underneath the sunlight. For a moment, it felt like he was proposing to an actual angel.

"Yes," Ali answered with a grin as she eagerly pulled him up to his feet. "Of course I will!"

Sawyer quickly grabbed onto the railing of the pier to steady himself when she crashed her lips onto his and enveloped him in a hug, forgetting the ring. She saw a flash of light from the corner of her eye that same second and whipped her head around to find the culprit.

"They're photographers," Sawyer told her, referring to the only two other people on the pier with them. "I hired them because you said you really wanted your grandmother to see these type of moments. Now you'll have a picture to show her when you visit her grave."

Ali immediately teared up upon hearing his words and hugged him again. "Thank you so much, Sawyer. I'm so grateful."

Once she finally tore away from him, he slipped the ring onto her finger and kissed her properly—making her stomach turn as if it was their first kiss all over again. The ocean, as if in sync with her body, began to stir as harsh waves rolled beneath them.

Even the photographers couldn't resist a smile as they watched the happy engaged couple kiss.

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