46 - everlasting love

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  "The day has finally come!" Brady exclaimed excitedly as Marina beamed with enthusiasm beside him.

"I know, I can barely contain myself," she said, keeping her eyes glued to the double doors in front of them.

"The world's largest candy store has finally been opened!" Brady announced, which caused her to swiftly cast her gaze upon him. He was scrolling through his phone with a wide grin and looking at the pictures of the new store, practically drooling.

"Are you serious right now? Is that what you were talking about? You need some serious help, give me that," Marina scolded before abruptly stealing his phone from his hands, earning a deep scowl from her coworker. She glared at him and gestured toward the double doors. "We have more important matters to focus on! Our friend is getting married!"

"No arguing on my wedding day please," Ali chuckled as she stepped out of the room in front of them. The two immediately turned to her, their faces quickly morphing into one of admiration and awe. Marina's eyes swelled with tears at the sight of her best friend in the most elegant and befitting wedding dress she had ever seen. It hugged her curves beautifully from her chest to her upper thighs, before ending in regal layered ruffles — with her hair in perfectly uniform curls that satisfyingly complimented the ruffles.

"Oh, Ali, you look so gorgeous. This dress," Marina gushed, effusively motioning towards her dress before bringing her hands up to her face. "It's like it was truly made for you."

Brady eyed his supervisor and let out a snort. "I have never seen her this cringey before. She's not wrong though."

"Thank you, guys," Ali said with a smile before tossing him a questioning look. "Aren't you supposed to be with Sawyer?"

"Oh! That's right. I just had to come here and see you real quick to let him know how hot you look. See you down the aisle, soon-to-be Mrs. City Girl!" Brady shouted as he dashed down the hall. Marina shook her head at him, then returned her gaze to the white-wearing angel in front of her.

  "So how are you feeling?"

  Ali stepped back into the bridal suite to stare at herself in the mirror, with Marina trailing behind her. Her eyes slowly traveled down her body, drinking in her appearance, and she smiled at her own reflection. "I feel the most beautiful I've ever felt."

"As you should," Marina affirmed while tidying up the flounce of her dress. "Does everything feel surreal to you right now?"

"Weirdly, no," Ali replied as she fiddled with her engagement ring on her right hand. "Everything feels profoundly real, and more importantly, it feels right. Like this is exactly where I'm supposed to be."

"And Sawyer is exactly who you're supposed to be with," Marina added with a small sentimental smile, to which Ali gratefully returned. Her support meant a lot to her, and she was so thankful for Marina's understanding throughout the years. Although she may not have always approved of Sawyer, and vehemently tried to protect her heart from him in the beginning, she always had good intentions. After seeing how well they were suited for each other, she was able to put her personal bias aside and support them — which was definitely not an easy feat.

  "Thank you for being my maid of honor, Marina. You've always made me feel welcome ever since I first came to town, and I've made sure to never take your kindness for granted," Ali told her, causing Marina to almost melt with emotion.

  The redhead, who she knew as both her supervisor and close friend, quickly pulled her in for a hug and sighed deeply. "Of course, Ali. You genuinely have the biggest heart I know, and I treasure our friendship so much. I'm so happy you've included me in this special day, despite my criticisms of your relationship early on. Damn, we're seeing how wrong I was now, huh?"

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