20 - open book

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  It had been more than a week since Mr. Price left, and all was good, perhaps even better.

  Without his father around and the mental burden that came with him, they seemed to have gotten even closer.

  They were more open with each other, now that they both knew their relationship was never artificial. In the beginning it may have been a bit forced, but nothing they ever said or felt was a lie. That, in itself, gave them peace of mind and security in themselves—and in each other.

  Ali sat on the counter, her legs dangling, as Sawyer stood beside her. They were always smiling when they were together; even Sawyer couldn't help but give a sheepish grin once in a while.

  Marina and Brady watched them from the checkout section, their eyes narrowed. She quirked an eyebrow when Ali casually leaned her head on Sawyer's shoulder, who was constantly stealing glances at her with an unusual look on his face.

  Marina crossed her arms skeptically. "What do you think they're saying?"

  "Something along the lines of: 'Hark! Dear Alice, you are the apple of my eye. Oh, how I yearn to take a bite of you!' And she's probably thinking how romantic he is, but he's really just hungry," Brady re-enacted dramatically with his tie-dye colored lollipop swirling in his mouth. She tried to snatch it from him, but he swiftly dodged her hands.

  "How do you not have cavities by now?" Marina asked in exasperation, and he shrugged.

  "I'm blessed by the lollipop gods, obviously."

  She sighed, turning back to Ali and Sawyer. "Please stop talking."

  Brady grinned cheekily at her, then watched as Sawyer helped Ali hop off the counter. The lollipop fanatic noticed the way he held onto her hands afterwards, not wanting to let go just yet.

  "Permission to speak?" Brady whispered; Marina grudgingly nodded. "Okay, so you have to admit, they're kind of...cute."

  "You think so?"

  He put the lollipop to his lips as he stared at the couple pensively. "I mean, describing Sawyer as happy might be a stretch, but I've never seen him smile this much without it seeming like he's forcing it."

  "His smiles do look more natural with her, don't they?" she murmured, and he nodded in agreement. Marina then began to study Ali, who was much more of an open book.

  Ali had always looked interested and curious when she was talking to him, but now there was something else there too. It gleamed in her irises every time: the tender fondness she held for him. It was like his presence not only excited her, but comforted her. Like when she looked at him, she somehow saw more—more than the eye could see—and she loved every bit of it.

  What Marina admired the most about her was how she unapologetically showed her feelings to everyone and anyone, instead of hiding them behind a mask. She was never embarrassed of how she felt or what she felt, even when she felt these things about a sociopath.

  "I just hope someone's heart doesn't end up breaking," Marina sighed as Ali's sweet laugh sounded throughout the store.

  Brady threw his headless lollipop stick in the trash, keeping his eyes on Sawyer, who visibly brightened at hearing her laugh. Brady blew out a breath and patted his supervisor's shoulder. "Me too, boss. Me too."

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