13 - stormy eyes

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More than a week had flew by since their last outing, but she barely had the time to notice.

Ever since she picked up some more shifts, in order to pay her grandmother's medical bills, she didn't have a single moment to herself. She was in no position to complain, and she refused to do so, despite Brady's pleadings for gossip. Although she had to admit, she was utterly exhausted.

After closing up her cash register for a water break, she turned around and immediately stumbled back. She sighed. "Sawyer, you really need to learn some greetings. A little hi would be nice."


"No, I meant that you should say it before—" Ali paused, realizing who she was speaking to, and waved her hand dismissively. "Never mind. But anyway, how are you? It's been a while."

He shrugged. "Fine. What about you?"

"Ah, I've been okay. Working at the cash register for so long is doing a number on me, but I'm alright. I'm just sorry we haven't been able to hang out as often," she said, and this seemed to spur his attention. His eyes trailed across the store beyond her, moving almost robotically, until he finally found what he was searching for.

Ali, curious, followed behind him as he walked off. When she realized the direction he was heading in, she almost considered turning back.


She turned around with a smile that was certain to fall. "Yes—oh. Sawyer, um, how can I help you?"

"You should change Alice's position to customer support," he suddenly blurted, and the two girls gaped at him.

"Wait, Sawyer, I didn't agree to that," Ali interjected, furrowing her eyebrows at him.

He briefly looked her way, managing to avoid her eyes in the process, before he spoke. "You said working as a cashier is making you tired."

"Yeah, but I don't mind it too much. Besides, the customer support positions are all filled up."

"I'm sure someone would be more than willing to switch," Sawyer retorted, indirect iciness laced in his tone for a split second, then he gestured behind her. "And Brady could always help out, couldn't you, Brady?"

The platinum blonde boy froze at hearing his name come out of his mouth, and he sheepishly came out of hiding. Ali, who hadn't noticed his presence, glanced at him as he swirled a pink lollipop in his mouth. "I mean, I guess I could help out my favorite city girl. If she wants me to."

Ali pursed her lips, contemplating the offer. Her gaze swept over the enigmatic boy with the stormy eyes, and she sighed in defeat. "Alright, I'm willing to try it. It couldn't hurt, right?"

"Well—" the words melted away in Brady's mouth when Sawyer threw him a look over his shoulder, and he swiftly glued his lips together.

The three of them then turned to their supervisor, who had remained strangely silent as she watched their interaction unfold. Her eyes had studied the sociopath's face meticulously throughout the conversation, finding thin threads of an indistinct emotion in his expression, none of which she had ever seen in the four years she knew him.

Marina looked between the two of them and clicked her tongue. "Okay, I'll work it out by the end of the day."

"Thank you, Marina. Sorry for the trouble," Ali gave her a apologetic smile before walking away with Sawyer, who hadn't reacted in any particular way to the news.

Brady stood beside her as they watched the couple in front of them. He crossed his arms, holding onto the lollipop with his right hand. "Is it just me, or did it seem like Sawyer, the sociopath, cared about someone other than himself?"

"I really don't know," Marina murmured absentmindedly, narrowing her eyes at them in the distance. They stayed there for the next minute, both staring in wonderment, before she finally returned to reality and abruptly snatched his lollipop. "Back to work, sweet tooth."

He huffed as he grudgingly trudged back to his station. "A guy can't even lick his lollipop in peace anymore."

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