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Heavy was waiting outside of the house, playing with a rubik's cube he had found inside. It was sticky, didn't even move properly, but he found some entertainment in trying to solve that stupid thing. He smiled a little, managing to complete the blue side. "Hehe, it is just like Blu. Shade is klose." He went right back to solving, but was soon met with the familiar clicks of Medic's shoes. 

"I see you are trying to solve a rubik's cube? Vhat a silly little thing it is, so pointless and yet so loved." The shorter smiled a little, dusting off his shoulder a little. He had a different coat on, and his glasses were clearer now. His hair was also fixed, and he looked better overall. 

"Doktor! I found rubik's kube while waiting! Want to try solving?" Heavy offered the cube to Medic, receiving a slight look of disgust. "Eugh, is zhat... Slimy? No zhank you, we have more important business to attend to, ja?" The doctor straightened his tie while Heavy threw the cube away like nothing. "Right, to find nice bird! Where to start looking?" He had an excited wide smile, and just like that Medic started leading the guy. "Less talk, Freund. Follov me." He walked with his head up high, being followed by an extremely happy looking Heavy. 


"Archimedes! Everyone, come to vater!" Medic called out, walking around and checking every little hole and surface of the 2Fort map. Heavy was a little further away, but still close enough so he could call Medic over in case of emergency. The emergency being a dead bird. 

"Doktor bird! Doktor is looking for you! Kome bak to doktor!" Heavy called out, turning around a corner and landing his eyes on someone. There was a blue Demoman, looking off into the distance with a bottle in his hand- like always. After a moment of staying still Heavy made his way to the figure, tapping his shoulder. 

"AGH- Who be disturbing me, what do ye want, I don't got nothing- oh." The Demoman calmed down, noticing it was only Heavy. "Well what do ye want, come out for a drink have ye?" He took a long swig from the bottle, happily feeling the alcohol burn his throat. "No, Heavy is out looking for doktor's bird. It went missing, have you seen white bird? Small, probably little blood stained... Yeah." Heavy motioned with his hands the size of the bird, leading the other to think. 

"Uhhh... Bird? Hold on, did yer Medic's bird go missing too? I came looking for the bloody thing with Pyro, but lost my temper halfway thru. Annoying to try and find something so small, I tell ye." Demo shrugged, receiving a surprised look from Heavy. "Your doktor's bird missing too?! This is bad, what if birds get mixed up? Doktor is going to be mad... It's not fun when doktor's mad." He shook his head a bit, shaking the image of an angry Medic out of his head. 

"Well, I don't think we gotta have any worries over mixing dem up. Our Medic always makes sure his bird's clean as white angel wings, and it smells like hand sanitizer all the damned time. Ye said yer Medic's bird is bloodstained?" 

"Yes, doktor bird always has little spots of blood. Doktor take good kare of the bird, but it always gets dirty. Apparently bird likes to be in human body. Smells of meat, human meat."

"Now if that ain't nasty, but that just gives us an advantage, ye? We won't be gettin' baboon-brained anytime soon if we find them avians." 

"Yes, that is very good... Wait, you say Pyro is with you?" 

"Yeah, dunno where he went though." 

Speaking of the devil, the masked man wearing blue dropped down from God knows where in-between the two. 

"Oh, well there he is." 

Demo took a sip of the alcohol, then looking at Pyro again. "Ye made any progress?" He asked, getting a head shake as a response. "Well ain't that great..." He grumbled, looking back into the distance as Heavy greeted Pyro. The giant started explaining about Red Medic's lost dove, though the gas masked lad probably missed half of the point. 


"Argh! Vhere is zhat giant Dummkopf? If he doesn't come back with nevs I'll be continuing vithout him!" Medic crossed his arms with frustration, the search had been going on for a solid hour soon. He had checked almost every corner of the map, but there wasn't even a white feather to get as a clue. Eventually he just sighed, sitting down with crossed legs. 

"Zhis is so stupid... Vhere could poor little Archimedes be..? Vhy did I ask him to come vith me if he isn't even going to help?!" He took his glasses off, rubbing his eyes while furrowing his eyebrows. He had a genuine worry in his tone, there were only five things he cared for in this world; Himself, Science, Success, Archimedes... 

"Right, zhat's why. Hov frustrating..." The doctor put his glasses back on, taking a moment to breathe calmly. The key to finding his beloved bird was to stay calm and think rationally, anything else was merely a bump in the road. In his head he sorted his thoughts, putting everything in it's appropriate box. 

~ Medic's Head View oOoOoOooOOoOOOOOooOOO ~

"Alright, thoughts about Archimedes... Those go into zhe 'urgent' box."

"Horse hooves for Scout? Hmm... Nein, zhat would make him faster. Get zhat thought in zhe trash!" 

"Remind Demoman to stop drinking mein rubbing alcohol vhile he's drunk, I have a surgery planned for him already." 

"Sandvich..? No, no, zhat's for later." 

"Emotional distress und trauma? Eh, sure, vhy not, let's think about zhat nov."

~ End of Medic's Head View oOoOoOooOOoOOOOOooOOO ~ 

"I hate you, me." 

Medic stood up, shaking his head. He had no time to be thinking about his silly little emotions, he'd much rather talk about them with Archimedes. He dusted himself off, turning to the side to see Heavy walking towards him. 

"Doktor! Guess what? Blu doktor's bird is also missing, blu Demo and blu Pyro will also look for your bird!" The giant smiled happily, showing two thumbs ups to Medic. The doctor, on the other hand, looked like he was having third degree vietnam flashbacks. After a while of silence and Heavy dropping his hands the surroundings got filled with an unpleasant air. 

"Heavy, are you out of YOUR MIND?! Vhat if zhe blu team took Archimedes, what if they're lying?! Can you IMAGINE vhat they vould do to the poor little thing?! Zhe other Medic, if he does anything... If ANYONE does anything..! Oh, you Verdammt... DUMMKOPF! SCHEIßE!" Medic shouted, visibly boiling. Heavy's expression quickly dropped to a surprised, upset one. He raised his hands up defensively, stepping back a little to give the other space. 

"Heavy thought they kould help-" 

"THEY CAN'T, HEAVY! Ve might not be enemies on free-time, BUT ZHAT DOESN'T MEAN THEY DON'T LIE! Zhis is- Zhis is UNBELIEVABLY DUMM!" 

Medic angrily started walking away, mumbling while making his way to the next map. Heavy looked after him, kind of... Hurt, but more sad than anything. He didn't think Medic would get mad, he thought any and all help could be useful! 

"... I don't think doktor will be bak for a while. I should tell others!" The giant started running towards the base house, still visibly down. 

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