Jealousy - ◇◇ Mark

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A/n - we all know Mark is hella stubborn and can get super jealous half of the time. so I thought it would be really cute to write about him being jealous. :)

I don't think gender is specified in this chapter.

David called me early this morning to ask if I wanted to play his new pvp world he made on minecraft. I told him I could play from my house on my PC, but he insisted I should come over to his house and play together on his ps4. After like 10 minutes of me complaining because it was 7am and him begging me to come over, I finally complied. He promised horror movies later, and I was not about to miss that.

I quickly got dressed. pulling a dead by daylight t-shirt over my head, and shimmying into a pair of acid washed jeans. I topped my outfit with a few rings, a walking dead jacket, and a pair of shoes. I rushed to the bathroom, brushing my hair and my teeth, and ran out my room, grabbing my bag, keys, and phone.

"Mom!! Im going to hang out at a friend's. I'll probably be back later, but if I'm not I'm spending the night at David's!!," I yelled out. "Alright y/n, have fun and be careful!!" She spoke,as I shut the door. I ran to my car, a light pink Volkswagen Beetle, and jumped inside. Tossing my stuff into the passenger seat, I quickly buckled up (safety, my loves.), and turned my key into ignition. I put the car into reverse, and turned around leaving my driveway. I sped off to David's house, and if I'm being honest I was going about 7 over the speed limit.

David lives about 3 neighborhoods away from me, so does Mark and Barry, so the drive wasn't too long. I just tapped my index fingers on the steering wheel a bit to the radio. One by metallica was softly playing in the car. About 6 minutes later I turned into David's driveway. I could see Barry and Mark walking together towards me. I grabbed my belongings, hopping out the car. slamming the door shut, I rushed over to the two. David should've told me they were coming over too. I would've picked them up.

"Omg Barry!! I know it's only been like a week, but it feels like I haven't seen you in forever!!," I yelled, running over to him, and hugging him super hard. He wrapped his arms around my waist, "I know!! work has been a bummer this past week. i missed hanging out with you guys." I chuckled, "tell me about it. I had to work til 2 this morning."

All of a sudden I heard Mark clear his throat. My gaze switched from Barry to Mark in an instance. I looked up at him, noticing a scowl on his face as he looked at Barry. I giggled, rolling my eyes. His eyes flickered down at me. "What? are you jealous because I hugged Barry and not you? I saw you just yesterday, Mark," I giggled again. His cheeks instantly became a few shades redder. "W-what, I, you. huh?," He stuttered. I giggled again, switching my gaze back to Barry. "You go ahead and go inside. I wanna talk to Mark for a few minutes."

Barry nodded, before heading inside. He had a smirk on his face. I shook my head before looking back at Mark. He averted his gaze from mine, attempting to use his hair to cover his eyes. I giggled, "Mark, come on. what's up?" He didn't reply. Instead he tried harder to hide his face, turning his head more to the left. "Oh come on, Mark. Don't be so stubborn." He shrugged his shoulders, before finally looking at me. "It's nothing," He muttered. I once again rolled my eyes. "I'm not stupid, Mark. you want a hug, don't you?" He blushed a bit harder at my words, before giving me a bashful nod in response.

"Oh, Mark. You could've just said so. It's just a hug," I smiled. He shrugged, "I guess I was just. I dunno," He attempted to explain himself. "Nervous? Shy?," I questioned. He nodded in return. "Jealous?" He slowly nodded again, hiding his face with his hair.  I giggled, before wrapping my arms around him. He slowly wrapped his arms around my waist in return. I smiled, breathing in his scent, and tightened my grasp on him. He took a deep breath and buried his nose in the crook of my neck. We stood there for a few more seconds before I pulled away. "Come on, Mark. David and Barry are waiting for us." He nodded his head, removing his hands from my waist.

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