ouchie :( - david

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Lmfao i fucked up my wrist and this idea came to me :3

Clumsy genderfluid reader

"OH MY GOODNESS ARE YOU OKAY?," David ran screaming. Barry was trailing behind him, concern written on his face. "OH MY!! y/n are- holy moly. Are you okay?!?," barry yelled as the two of them ran to me.

I groaned out in pain. Did i really just fall out of a tree?? How embarrassing. My cheeks flushed in embarrassment. "Uhm. Yea im fine," i groaned, sitting up.

I rubbed my head with my hand and immediately my hand felt like it was burning. "HOLY- oww," my breath hitched. "Y/N!! be careful!!," David worriedly sat on his knees in front of me. He placed a hand on my cheek and checked my head for any injuries.

Around the same time Barry finally caught up and began looking at my hand. My wrist had started swelling up and bruising. The area was now darker and looked really bad. "Oh goodness that doesn't look good," Barry grimaced, looking at my wrist. "Lucky for you i have some bandages.

Unknown to barry i hadn't been paying any attention to what he had said. I was too distracted by David's grasp on my cheek. He was examining my head, looking for any welts, cuts, bruises, etc. I looked in his eyes almost melting at how concerned he was for me. No one has ever looked at me this way.

The concerned look soon left David's face. He smiled and looked down into my eyes. "You're head looks fine, thankfully," he grinned, still holding my cheek. "I think they might've fractured or sprained their wrist though," Barry spoke up.

I snapped out of my little daze and furrowed my eyebrows. "Oh shit that's not good," i mumbled. David furrowed his eyebrows at me. "Language," David scolded. I stuck my tongue out at him and grinned.

"In all seriousness, I'm gonna go clean up. David, you should take them home to their caregiver so they can get taken to the hospital," Barry spoke as he finished wrapping my wrist up. "All finished. You guys can go now," He spoke, standing up and heading back to the rock.

I looked at David and smiled. He was already looking at me. "Think you can walk?" He questioned, helping me up. "Yea im good," I smiled, standing up with his help. I glanced around for my bag until i spotted it and picked it up. I placed the strap on my shoulder and looked over at David.

"Ready to go?, he questioned, holding his hand out. "Mhm, yep," I nodded grabbing his hand with my good hand. As soon as i placed my hand in his we headed off towards my house. Which is about a 12 minute walk from this part of the creek.

I looked down at my feet as we walked at a relaxed pace, not in a hurry at all. Yeah my wrist hurts, but i love spending time with David. I hope he feels the same. "Thank you for walking with me," i smiled, looking over at David.

"Of course!! I just wanted to make sure you're okay," he smiled for a second before a serious expression took over his face. "I was really worried when I saw you fall from that tree. I hate seeing you in pain."

I furrowed my eyebrows, "There's no need to worry about me. I'm okay," I smiled reassuringly. David looked me in the eyes, "my goodness. You must be joking. Do you understand how often you get hurt?!? You're sooo clumsy," David giggled. "I'm always worried about you," he mumbled.

My heart fluttered. Something about him saying that woke something up inside of me. Does that mean he might feel the same way as me? No don't be ridiculous, y/n. You're just extremely clumsy.

"That's really sweet, but you shouldn't spend so much time being worried about me," I softly spoke. David rolled his eyes, "How can i not worry when you're constantly on my mind," he mumbled lowly, but i still caught it. My eyes widened and I smirked.

"Oh I'm always on your mind,huh?" I smirked, teasing David. He looked over at me, shocked with wide eyes. "You heard me?" David questioned. I nodded, smiling. Immediately he started rambling, "I'm so sorry y/n. I didn't mean to say that out loud. I hope i didn't ruin things between us. I'm so sorry-"

"David, it's okay. Calm down," I giggled. He stopped talking and looked at me. "It- it is?" He questioned, almost not believing me. "Mhm. Wanna know why?" I looked down at my feet again. "Why?" He questioned. "Cuz i think about you a lot too. Ever since like 8th grade," I spoke looking at the bandage wrapped around my wrist.

"Really?," he questioned. "Yeah. Around then i found out had a crush on you... I still do," I muttered the last part. I looked up in front of me to see the road coming up. Across the street is where my house is.

"I've had a crush on you for a while too," David spoke up as we crossed the street. "Ever since freshman year," he added. I looked him in the eyes, "so you're telling me I've been scared of telling you for no reason," i felt stupid. David giggled, "I've been scared of telling you as well," David spoke. We stepped onto my porch.

I looked over at David and he looked back at me. A goofy grin was spread across his face. I smiled back at him and stared into his eyes. After a few moments of looking at each other David spoke up. "Uhm. Please don't be angry, but can I kiss you?"

I was caught off guard, but replied anyways. "Why would i be angry?" David licked his lips, "i'm- i'm not sure," he muttered. I leaned in closer to him, "you can kiss me." I whispered. He smiled as his eyes flickered between my eyes and lips before finally staying on my lips.

I closed my eyes as he leaned in. I felt his breath on my lips, "Are you sure?" I nodded and a moment later I felt his chapped lips on my own. It started as a small peck but soon turned into a few romantic smooches. Our lips felt perfect together.

He pulled away and my eyes fluttered as I caught my breath. "That was..really nice," I blushed. David nodded, agreeing with me, "I've waited way too long for this." I nodded my head, "yeah. Me too." 

David placed his hand on the back of his neck, "Do you maybe wanna. I dunno. Go on a Date?" My breath hitched and my eyes widened. "Absolutely," I blurted.

David smiled at my reaction, "Good. Great. But uhm first. You should get your caregiver to take you to the hospital." David motioned down at my wrist. "Oh yeah!" I had completely forgotten about my wrist. I guess my adrenaline kicked in. 

"Alright yea. I will," i smiled. "Can i hug you," i questioned. "Yes absolutely! You don't ever need to ask that," David responded, opening his arms. I immediately hugged him and his arms wrapped around me.

"I'll see you tomorrow," i mumbled into the crook of his neck. He nodded, a huge grin on his face. I let go and opened my front door stepping inside. "Bye David", I spoke looking at him. "Bye y/n," he replied heading down the stairs. I shut the door, smiling and leaning against it.


Erm its 2:30 and i spent a little over an hour writing this cuz its been a while. Oops.


1297 words.

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