comfort - Mark

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Something short and sweet. Something mainly to comfort me bc I've been feeling hella depressed lately.

(I guess the reader in this is kinda described like myself. Sorry :/)

Out of character mark???

He brushed his soft fingers through my tangled, brown hair, and wrapped his free hand around my torso. He brushed my hair to the side and kissed the back of my neck, somewhere im very self-conscious about.  I shuffle around on my spot on the couch from the ticklish feeling. Mark just cuddles even closer into me.

I know my hair is greasy and my eyes have bags under them from lack of sleep, but Mark never says anything. He just comforts me, and makes me feel less disgusted of myself. He helps me feel motivated to do things I struggle with doing.

"Im so proud of you," he praises me as I finally finish my late assignments. I've been terribly behind in school recently. His words bring a soft smile to my face. The first smile I've truly made. One that didn't feel forced or fake. 

I turn around and look him in the eyes. "Thank you, you don't understand how much I needed to hear that," I wrap my arms around his neck.  Tears forming in my eyes. Mark wraps his arms around my waist, and my tears finally fall from my eyes.

All this comfort is making me feel so loved and overwhelmed. A good overwhelmed, but overwhelmed nonetheless.

I let out a choked sob i didn't know I was holding in, and finally let my walls come down. "I'm so sorry. I don't mean to be a burden. Im sorry for crying on you." I let out between sobs. Mark rubs my back and shushes me. "Don't be sorry, love. We all have our ups and downs. Its what makes us human." Mark reassures, kissing the top of my head.

I sob into his shoulder for a few more moments until I finally feel like i Cant cry anymore. After I've calmed down, I pull away from the hug.   That's when I realize just how  long I've been wearing the same clothes. "I need a shower," I rasp out, looking down at the dirt underneath my fingernails.

"Would you like to bathe together?," Mark offers. I think for a moment. He hasn't seen my body yet, but he truly does care for me. "Yes," I nod, muttering just loud enough for Mark to hear me.

He smiles down at me stands up from the couch, offering a hand. I take it and Mark pulls me up from the couch. "C'mon darling. You'll enjoy feeling the nice warm water," Mark kisses my cheek, leading me to the bathroom.

After a small walk through the house we reach my bathroom and Mark leads me to sit on the toilet lid. I do so willingly. "Shower or bath?" Mark questions softly. "Shower," I reply.

Mark shut the shower curtain half way and turn the faucet towards the wall. He turns back to me, and kneels in front of me. "May I take your clothes off? Or would you like to take them off yourself??"

My face heated up and suddenly my lap was the most interesting thing in the room. " Would you, please?" I shyly responded. Mark grinned at me for a moment before quickly changing his expression back to a kind smile. "Of course, my love. No need to be embarrassed."

The next few moments were the most embarrassing yet most intimate moments of my life.

Mark gently lifted my shirt over my head and tossed it to the side. He squatted down and pulled my shorts and underwear down my legs and tossed them to the side onto my shirt. "Could you stand up and turn around for me," he question softly. I nodded nervously ans stood up, turning around. "Thank you," he whispered unclipping my bra and tossing it to the side with my other clothes.

Mark helped me into the shower after quickly shedding his clothes and glasses off. I instantly stood under the shower head as Mark grabbed a bottle of shampoo. He poured some into his hand and lathered his hands together. He gently massaged the shampoo into my hair and rinsed it out a few moments later. Doing the same with some conditioner a few moments later.

After he was done cleaning my hair, I pulled Mark under the shower head with me, and hugged into his body. Mark hesitantly wrapped his arms around my body in return. "Comfy?" He teased, chuckling. I nodded my head against his chest in return. "I need to clean your body, alright?" I looked up at him, "ok."

Mark lathered up a rag with body wash and gently began to clean my body. "This ok?" He questioned as he neared my chest. I nodded, "mhm." A few moments later Mark finished cleaning my body and went onto cleaning himself.

I couldn't help but watch as the bubbles from the shampoo run down his body. That's when I took the chance to truly look at Mark in this angle. His hair was slicked back from the hot water and the slight muscles he had tensed every so often from him cleaning his body. I felt entranced by his body and boyish good looks.

Only when Mark cleared his throat did I truly notice how long id been staring at him. I blinked and looked Mark in his eyes. He had a smirk on his face and he was looking down at me. He neared me as close as he could and cornered me into the shower wall. I didn't know what to do, but it didn't matter because Mark took the first move.

He his face down towards my own, and right as I thought he would kiss my lips he pulled away and kissed my forehead instead. He grinned as he pulled away, studying the confused expression on my face. "Come one. Lets get out of here and go watch a movie," Mark chuckled.

And that's what we did. We spent the rest of the day cuddled in my bed and watching Deadpool and other movies like it. Sharing kisses every so often and ordering a pizza. A perfect way to finally ignore all my bad feelings and throw my depression into the dumpster.


Sorry the ending is kinda rushed lol. Im kinda dozing off rn.

1080 words. <3

- fart :3

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