watercolor daydreams - david

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Requested by EnderCatTheSimp.
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Today was going by so slow. It seemed that everyone and everything in the creek even agreed. The water in the creek was almost still, there seemed to be no animals out, and even the creek kids were getting bored and going home early.

Even though it seems like a wasteland, i couldnt help but enjoy it. Its so calm and peaceful. The absolute best day for some watercolor painting in my good sketchbook.

I first started with painting a squirrel sleeping in a nearby tree. I sketched out the squirrel and tree, and then stroked the paintbrush across the paper. Painting the bushy tail was my favorite part.

Then I painted the water flowing off some larger rocks in the creek. It was a little more difficult, but i enjoyed painting the different ripples in the water. After that i felt stumped. Nothing really stuck out to me. I barely got any inspiration.

That was until i saw him. He was wearing a helmet, and silly little cape-type thing. I think ive seen him around school, hes a junior i think. Daniel? No...David. Yeah, thats it.

He stood on the other side of the creek, looking around for a moment before sitting down on a large rock. Thats when it really hit me. Inspiration.

As he sat looking down at the phone in his hand, i sketched out the scene in front of me. Leaves fell from the trees surrounding him, the crisp fall air blowing them throughout the air. The scene in front of me was breathtaking.

As i added color to the paper i couldn't help but imagine what his personality is like. He seems very sweet, everytime i see him he has a huge smile on his face. Ive only heard his voice once (despite having a class with him), he bumped into me and muttered out a small "sorry," handing me my pencil i dropped.

I glanced back up to look at the boy, only to feel my eyes widen and cheeks flush. He had been staring at me already. Flustered i looked back down and continued painting, adding a few finishing details. When i glanced back up he was still looking at me, i quickly looked away.

I gathered my belongings and walked home, eating dinner and getting ready for the night. I fell asleep around an hour later.

The next day at school, i sat beside him. He seemed shocked and honestly i was shocked with my actions aswell. We looked at each other for a moment before i finally spoke up. "Hi uhm..im y/n," i sputtered out. He told me his name in return and soon enough i explained how i enjoyed painting and was having a hard time finding inspiration until he showed up yesterday.

"Im uh so so sorry if this comes off as weird, But when you showed up at the creek yesterday i just absolutely felt so inspired to paint you. Uhm would you...like to see?," i questioned, placing my hands on my sketchbook.

The boy had the biggest blush on his face. He looked so different from yesterday, dressed in a red Ironman shirt, cargo shorts, and black vans. He nodded his head, the biggest smile ever on his face. . "Yeah. Yes. Absolutely, please. Its not weird at all."

I flipped to the page and handed him the sketchbook. "Woah," he muttered.

"I know. This is my favorite by far. I think its absolutely just so pretty," i smiled.

David looked over at me shocked. His eyes wide and mouth open. "Y-you think im pretty?"

I dont know what came over me in that moment, but i couldnt keep my mouth shut. "Definitely."


A/n - this idea was just too cute. Tysm again EnderCatTheSimp

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 18, 2023 ⏰

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