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The icy rain poured down from the sky relentlessly, making it hard to see or hear. Kaz Brekker's leg was bothering him almost as much as Jesper on a daily basis, but of course, Kaz decided they needed to rob the bank for the rich anyway.

Everyone was trying their best to not anger Kaz, but everything was so much more difficult in these conditions that something was bound to happen.

And naturally, it did.

But what did you expect?

It was pouring rain and freezing, plus the crows were practically blind and deaf.

All hell broke loose when one of Wylan's explosives went off a little earlier than anticipated, accidentally temporarily blinding the Wraith instead of the guards that would soon be approaching.

Inej had fallen from her post by the ceiling, her eyes stinging intensely.

Because of that, Jesper never got his signal, and narrowly escaped the stadwatch that had arrived after the alarm went off for one of the safes Kaz was breaking into.

During all of this, Wylan was busy trying to find Nina to help Inej.

And poor Inej became a health hazard for Kaz from where she was sitting on the floor, still waiting for Wylan to come back with Nina.

Kaz had to practically drag Inej out of the building. He had never seen her less graceful. The amount of walls that girl hit was just sad.

Eventually, the group had all made it out, and met in an alleyway close by.

That's when all the arguing began.

Inej, who was finally beginning to get some of her vision back, was maybe even more pissed than Kaz. She knew it wasn't Wylan's fault, but she couldn't help but be a little annoyed with him.

She was wet, cold, and half blind, her eyes still stinging. Not to mention the pain in her head from hitting an extensive amount of walls.

Kaz was just as miserable. His leg was aching, he was wet and cold, and pretty damn annoyed with the performance of his crew.

He hated himself for it, but he honestly expected Inej to pull something off and at least be a little more successful. Of course it wasn't her fault if she was blind. He had unrealistic expectations for anybody, really.

That didn't stop Kaz from taking out his anger on, well, everybody.

The five of them were walking back to the slat, and you guessed it, Jesper was trying to lighten the mood.

"It's okay guys! It could've been much worse." Way too much energy on a night like this.

"Tell that to my eyes." Grumbled Inej from beside Kaz where she was walking, holding onto his arm so she had some idea as to where she should be walking.

"At least it's only temporary?" Offered Wylan, though he phrased it as more of a question.

"I'm sorry Wylan, but would you like to tell me what happened back there?" Though she couldn't see, Inej knew Kaz was scowling as he said this.

Inej also knew that Wylan's ears were definitely very pink.

"The light bomb went off a little early, but I'll fix it before next time. I promise." Wylan sounded almost childish as he said this, as though he were pleading with Kaz, begging him not to punish him.

"So you blinded my Wraith, leaving Jesper without any idea of who might be coming, causing the alarm to be triggered, and us leaving empty handed. Plus, you left Inej blinded and in the middle of a hallway where anyone might happen to come along."

Inej knew Wylan felt terrible, so she did what any Inej Ghafa would do.

"Kaz it's alright. I'm fine. As is everyone else. It's just been a long night and so what if Wylan made a small mistake? It wasn't actually his fault. It's not like he was deliberately trying to blind me and ruin the plan for everyone else." Inej said. "Sorry if that sounded insulting, Wylan, but you know what I mean."

"Thanks, Inej, and sorry." Wylan muttered, defeated.

"That doesn't help the fact that we're empty handed, just nearly evaded imprisonment, and half blinded in some of our cases." Kaz was not having it.

"Can we just hurry up already!? It's been a long night and I want waffles." Whined Nina, but nobody paid her any attention.

"I'm fine now, Kaz. I can pretty much see as well as you can in this rain."

"Then why are you still gripping onto my arm like it's your lifeline?"

In all honesty, Inej just liked being close to him. It made her feel better and was comforting in a weird way. But it wasn't like Inej could just outright say that, so she gave him a half truth instead.

"If you're so worried about my health, you definitely wouldn't want me slipping and dying."

The group was about ankle deep in water. Damn Ketterdam drainage.

Kaz huffed and trudged forward, so Inej began to walk faster, letting go of him and leaving him behind.

Kaz felt bad, and if he was being honest (which doesn't really happen much), he missed having Inej by him. She calmed him, believe it or not. If Inej wouldn't be upset by it, he would've strangled Wylan by now.

"Sorry, Inej. Don't leave the poor, old cripple by himself in the pouring rain." The others were shocked by his first ever apology and wanting Inej to walk with him, but the Wraith kept walking forward.

Kaz hated seeing the girl he loved walking away from him because he was upset and taking it out on her, so he did what anybody would do in a high stress situation such as that.

Kaz grabbed his cane by the very bottom and hooked the crow's head around Inej's wrist pulling her back and into him.

She wasn't going to listen to him talk to her, so he did the only thing he could think of.

Kaz Rietveld Brekker, Dirtyhands, Bastard of the Barrel, kissed Inej Ghafa, the Wraith, deadliest spy in Ketterdam.

His hands found their way to her silky hair which had come undone at some point during the night's events.

Inej's arms were wound around Kaz's lower chest, and the pair stayed like that for a few seconds in the rain.

When they pulled apart, Kaz whispered to Inej, "I'm sorry. I just don't like the idea of anything happening to you."

Inej snorted.

"That's ironic seeing that you're the person who has a tendency to send up incinerator shafts and scaling the walls of ten-story buildings."

Kaz smiled warmly down at his Wraith.

The two walked back to the Slat together, joking and playfully shoving each other in the rain, while the rest of the crew walked too stunned by what they just witnessed to talk.

Nina, Wylan, and Jesper were all wondering the same thing.

How did they go from arguing about their miserable attempt at robbing a bank to Kaz and Inej kissing?

1168 words

A/N: Sorry about the crappie chappie :) Did I proof read this? No. Did I right this at two in the morning the other day? ...No... Well, I hope y'all don't think this is as bad as I do. Let me know if you have any oneshot ideas :) Good night, good morning, and good afternoon to whoever is actually reading this wherever you are :)

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