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We get in and I went right over to get a drink offering one to my date we cuddled up on the couch.. abouch on unrrenizble  races the songs blaring I could bearly hear my self think.

Honstly the djs music taste was trash but hey what can you do really nothing but accept you're  listing to music that screams the same thing on repete.

I just lay on dreams shoulder  wishing he was mine and I was his.. right now I have him and him alone to myself, no annoying fighting for seen for atleast 13 or so hours.

"Sap you seem cuddly" Dream said with a soft smile cradling you.

"I am.. me and george don't cuddle alot and I'm a very cuddly person" I said softly sipping my drink.

"I don't mind it one  bit sap.. just be careful someone from school may see you.. and then you're gonna end up looking like a cheater" Dream worned.

"Mm highly unlikely anyone will recall this considering  they all high or drunk" I sighed out sipping my drink I put it down  in my lap.

"Care to dance" I asked hearing dreams favoite song.

"I-i will be happy to sappy" Dream stuttered out flustered.

And that we did I spon him and dipped him down so tempted to just kiss this man.. but I resisted my erges picking him  up caring him bridle back to the couch and going back to sipping my drink.

Dream cuddled with me.

"Youre a good dancer sapnap" Dream giggled out.

"Why thank you I've been prancing" I said.

Yeah dancing and drawing really is my escape from my fucked relationship..  something inside is telling me somethings gonna happen between me and Dream tonight.

The song that reminds  me so much of dream would play.

Everything you do

I'm obsessed with you

I don't mean to scare

But you're just so cute

Every move you make

You're fucking sweeter than a cake

I wanna cut you up

And put you in my oven just to bake

And everything you say is like poetry

Wanna drop you in boiling water drink

You like chamomile tea

I'd love to wipe these other bitches out

So it's just you and me

I wanna hug you like a bunny

Wanna sting you like a bee

I just zone out to the song humming along.. as a sip my drink, listing to saccharine by jazmin  bean.

"You like this song?" Dream rised a brow.

I'd blush a bit a look to him, "yeah I reminds me of someone who means alot to me"

"Awe that's so cute" Dream gushed.

"Mhm.." I said looking him up and down.

Why do I want him to sit on my lap and make out with me in my tipsy  mind I quickly look off nevruous.

"It's to loud let's go find a room for just us" Dream Sudjested.

I'd nod and we grab some food  and drinks getting into a bedroom alone.. it's me and him bearly able to hear the music.

He'd hum putting on his own Playlist the music was flirty-like.

Dream setting the mood much?

TᗯIᔕTEᗪ ᖴᗩTE ⋆ Snf/dreamnap - Sapnap Centric [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now