Chapter 1: Avatar Aang

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You sleep the entire ride and wake up once Appa lands. "Hey you guys picked a great campsite. The grass is so soft." You hear Toph say.

"Thats not grass. Appa's shedding." Sokka says. You laugh at this. "See? Akaza gets it."

The fur is getting everywhere and Katara does not like it. "Its not all bad Katara, it makes a great wig." Sokka says. "Or a great beard." Aang says. "Or both." You say, with a wig and a beard.

"Hey Akaza, why are you so pale? I've never seen anyone like it." Sokka asks. Katara sighs. "Thats insensitive Sokka." Katara scolds.

"Its fine." You say. "Well, all I remember is that I was really sick so I ate a flower thats supposedly a cure-all and then I slept for 8 months, and when I woke up, I had white skin, blue lines across my face and red hair."

"Huh. Thats weird." Aang says. "What kind of flower did you eat?" You think for a moment. "Blue Spider Lily." Aang thinks for a moment. "There is a story I know about when you eat a blooming spider lily. Hmmm. I cant seem to remember."

"Its fine. I could also bend when I woke up." You add.

You help set up the camp and Katara sees Toph isnt doing anything. "So Toph, usually when setting up camp we try to divide up the work."

"Hey, dont worry about me. I'm good to go." She responds with.

"Well actually what I'm trying to say is some of us might fetch water and others would start the fire pit or set up the tent." Katara explains.

"Oh its fine I'll do it for her." You tell Katara.

"See? He'll do it." Toph says back.

"Nevermind." She says.

Upon return you immediately fall asleep. Only to be woken up by Toph yelling "There's something coming toward us!"

Aang asks "Like what?" She reaches to the ground and says "Like an avalanche but also not an avalanche."

"Your powers of perception are frightening." Sokka says, clearly tired.

"Should we leave?" Katara asks.

"Better safe than sorry." Aang says.

"Actually better sorry than safe." You say, half asleep.

"Wake up sleepyhead we gotta go." Toph yells at you. "Fine" you say. You hop up on Appa after helping pack and fall asleep again.

You wake up with Appa landing and Toph yelling "Land Sweet land."

Katara asks Toph to help unload Appa. "Look I didnt ask you to unload my stuff. I'm carrying my own weight." Toph responds with.

"Ever since you joined us you've been selfish and unhelpful." Katara snaps back.

"Ah shoot. They're arguing." You say. "Aang, Sokka, lets unpack before they finish." And so you unpack and fall asleep.

You wake up to Katara landing on Sokka. "That thing is back!" Toph says suddenly.

"Dangit. Why cant we just sleep?" You ask.

"Yeah, what he said. How far away is it?" Sokka asks then tries to fall asleep.

And so we are back on Appa. Again. You couldnt fall asleep this time. "This time I'm gonna make sure we lose em."

After a little ride, Appa collapses over and you fall asleep, without setting up camp. Suddenly, Toph says "I can feel them coming after us."

"Maybe we should face them. Find out who they are. Who knows? They could be friendly." Aang naively says.

"Always the optimist." Sokka says tiredly.

The truck stops and out step 3 girls. They charge after us on lizards. "We can take em. 4 on 3." Toph says. " actually Toph, there's 5 of us." Sokka says.

Toph chuckles and says "Sorry I didnt count you. No bending and all." He looks enraged by this but calms down. "I got this." You say.

You've been developing your own technique with Soryu and your bending. "Destructive Death: Disorder!" You say. And rapidly punch the air. Suddenly, several shockwaves go towards them. They are temporarily pushed back and during that time, you escape.

You are incredibly tired, and also starting to feel hungry. You fall asleep. And wake up when the sun comes up.

You get up and yawn. You are the most rested out of all of them. Sokka completely freaks out. You fall asleep again. This time you wake up when everyone is screaming and you are floating upward. "AAAAAAHHHH!" Everyone yells. You couldnt grab on to anyone in time.

You float away from the group and you are completely panicking. If you hit the ground you would die! 'I know. I'll land in the trees!' Aang wakes him up but not before you are impaled by a tree.

"Gaagghhh." You say, coughing up blood. "Akaza!" Aang yells. You manage to unimpale yourself and you are back on Appa's back. Toph is holding you down so you dont fly away again. However, the wound is closing. Appa crashes.

"Woah, Akaza where'd you learn to do that?" Katara asks when she sees you chest. You think as hard as you can. "I dunno." You say.

You dont even get off the floor. You fall asleep and pray you don't get woken up. You wake up when Toph yelled "What?!" Aang tries to defuse the situation but Toph says "No I wanna hear what she has to say."

"I'm just saying if you helped set up camp earlier, we could've gotten some sleep!" Katara yells back.

"Calm down none of us are gonna get sleep if you keep yelling." You say. "What was that, Akaza?" She says dangerously. "Nothing." You say.

You fall asleep in the climax of the argument.

"I'm outta here." You hear Toph say. You get up. "Wait for me Toph." You say, anyome cam hear how tired you are.

"Cmon Akaza." She says. "Wait." Sokka tries to stop Toph but she pushes him aside. "Sorry Sokka. See ya soon?" You follow after Toph.

She suddenly stops to earthbend an old man behind some rocks. "Oogh. That really hurt my tailbone." You realize what happened.

"Sorry Mister. We're just jumpy. Long night." You say apologetically.

"Its quite all right, young man." He says. He makes us some tea. "Thank you mister." You say. Toph talks about how she can do stuff herself. And he gives us some advice. "There is nothing wrong with letting people who love you help you."

You decide to take a nap while they have a conversation. You wake up and go with Toph. You manage to locate Aang. You arrive just in time to help him. You, Aang, Toph, Katara and a dude who they called Zuko, all blasted towards the lady who was trying to kill Aang.

Zuko attacks us with fire and tells us to leave. You fly away on Appa and you get a good nights sleep.

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